Chapter 20 - Ben

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Me, Chase, Penny, Alpha Jackson, Luna Jackson, The Beta, Beta Female and the head Warriors stood around a table. It was early in the morning right after the attack from Marcus. At 1 in the morning I was awoken because we had a rouge pack attacking, by the time I got out there I knew who it was. I would never forget that smell until the day I die. It wasn't until we chased them off that I realised why they would have been here, for her. I never ran so fast in my life. I cut past trees and hedges getting torn up by branches. I shifted when I reached the front door, I started calling out to Blaire. I remember my sweat pants still semi intact, which was a good because when I saw Blaire standing by the window I swear I never felt so relieved. I didn't even think about boundaries or what it must look like to her, a half-naked man stalking towards her.

Those few minutes were the happiest I have ever been, having her in my arms and when she hugged me back I just about melted, it probably didn't help my heart rate.

Now she sits on the couch in the corner wrapped in a blanket. She hasn't said a word since I told her Marcus had come through the pack boundaries. I watched as she caved in on herself. She was making so much progress but now she is the same as when she first came here. She's distant.

"Are we tracking them?" Argued Chase. He has really been the one arguing for me. I haven't been able to stop worrying about Blaire. I look at her picking at the blanket that draped over her shoulders. She was already accepting that Marcus was going to find her and bring her back.  Over my dead body. All I wanted to do was hold her like I did a couple hours ago, but she has taken so many steps back, now every time I walk next to her she flinches.

I really thought we were making progress.

"I think we need a warrior outside Blaire's room." I hear Penny say.

"Yes, I think that would be a clever idea." The beta says. Everyone else around the table nods in agreement.

I zoned back out again while they were decided who will go on the tracking mission. 

I knew what I was going to do. Stay. If Marcus comes back and I assume he will I will be right here waiting for him and if he tries to lay another finger on her.... I'll kill him.  


After the meeting, Penny and Blaire headed down for some breakfast and Me, Chase and all the officials let the other warriors know the situation and organised the schedule for watching over Blaire. We than let the whole pack know to be super cautious at night. We also increased the number of patrols around the perimeter of the pack.

Around lunch time, we had another meeting with the trackers who just got back from their hunt and nothing. They came back with nothing. Than the rest of the day we spent calling other packs seeing what info they have on the rouge pack we are hunting and warn them about the pack and that they were to be handled with the upmost caution.

By the time bed time rolled around I was exhausted. Before my shower I checked on the warrior guarding Blaire's. He was standing outside her door. The door was a slight ajar, he told me her checks on her every 10 minutes to make sure she is still there. I than went and had a hot shower than got changed in boxers and climbed into bed. I tried to relax but I couldn't fall asleep.

So, I lay there staring at the ceiling, listening.

40 minutes later I heard something. I propped myself up on my elbows and listened even closer. I heard murmmering outside than to my surprise a soft knock on my door.


The door creaked open and there stood Blaire in her usual big hoodie and shorts that showed off her legs.

"I was um..." She started. Her eyes trailed around the room. "Because you" Through the dark I could see her cheeks flush.

I sat more upright, "Are you alright?" I asked. She looked up at me and sucked in a big breath of air.

"Okay so you said that you'll do anything for me and well.... I'm not trying to push you into something... you can say no. or whatever. I just thought that maybe.... I don't know I just feel umm...." A frown has appeared on her face as she tries to figure out the words to use. She than shakes her head, closes her eyes and says quickly, "Can I sleep here tonight?"

My heart dropped.

Did she just say what I thought she said? "in my bed?" I ask puzzled. Surely not.

"Yes" She says confidently. "If that's okay" She adds quieter, looking down at her sock covered feet.

"It's okay" I say back a little too eager. She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. She then makes her way over to the other side of my bed, I lay back down on my pillow and flatten out the duvet on top of me. Out of the corner of my eye I see her slid into the bed and pull the duvet up to her nose. She takes a deep breath.

Blaire is in my bed.

I grip the duvet and close my eyes, focusing on controlling my wolf, who is just over the moon that she is beside him. However, with all the dirty thoughts I could be thinking right now the only thing I can focus on is how she is safe now. Safe with me.

I hear soft sighs and feel the bed shift. I open my eye to see she has changed her position, she is now curled into a ball facing inward towards me. Silence settles in on us. All I hear are her soft breaths slowly getting deeper and deeper until soft snores are coming from her side of the bed. I turn over so now I am facing her. After some moments of contemplation, I reach my hand out and run the back of it down her arm and to her hand, slowly sliding mine into hers. It's like energy, or sparks passing between us. Its addicting, I keep thinking about this early morning. She doesn't feel it, I know she doesn't. Or at least she doesn't feel it like I feel it. God, I hope one day she does.

I slowly start to drift off to sleep with my hand clutched in hers.



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