Chapter 17 - Blaire

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I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. It's been three days since that morning with Ben and I can't get him out of my head. I haven't been sleeping that well these last couple of weeks either, I seem to be having nightmares more and more often and for a while I couldn't figure out why until three days ago.

I had just woken up from a particularly bad nightmare. I was running, I didn't know why and couldn't see anything, all I could feel was my chest burning and my feet aching. Then I felt my chest get heaved up from the ground and I was soaring through the air until I was dropped into that small room I know all too well. I look up to see his face cackling down at me, I tremble back into a corner as I watch him slam the roof back on the room. Then the ceiling begins closing down on me and I put my hands up to try and stop it.  It pushes back on my hands and soon I am lying flat on the ground looking up at the ceiling less that an arm width away. It gets so close that it is pushing down on my nose, I open my mouth and let out a scream which wakes me up.

I struggle against the blankets on me and push myself off the bed and towards the wall. I look around the room frantically and feel around the wall for the door knob. Once I grab it I yank it open. I drag myself out and downstairs. Tears flow down my face and I cover my mouth to stop the yelps coming out and waking up the rest of the house. Getting downstairs and out the door was a blur. All I remember is leaning over the balcony rail sucking in as much air as I could.

I took a bit to calm myself down and for the tears to stop. After that I looked up at the stars. I lost track of time standing there staring at the stars. I didn't even notice the man walk half naked out of the forest towards me. It wasn't until he asked me if I was okay that I snapped out of my trance.

I looked down at him, Ben. His face was scrunched up. After a while he reopened his eyes and looked back at me. "Yea' I felt myself respond. He continued to look at me, as if he was trying to decipher his next move. He looked worried, I didn't want him to be worried. "I just wanted some fresh air" I added. He nodded back.

I continued to look at him and felt my eyes trail down his body. He was lean and tall, his muscles were glistening from his sweat. He reminded me of the other naked men I have seen. Except those men were hairy and dirty. Ben wasn't either of these. He had only a little bit of hair on his chest and a small trail down from his belly button. He also didn't have blood on him, none of my blood on him. He was different.

I could feel myself defending him and I hated it, why am I doing this.

His voice cut through my thoughts. "Do you mind if I..." he said carefully pointing towards the deck. I looked between him and the deck. The word sure came out of my mouth before I could stop it. I can't help but trust him, and that terrifies me.

He drops his head and slowly walked towards the deck like a little kid in trouble. I didn't stop watching him, waiting for him to rush me or swing his hand up. But none of that came, the only thing that did was a big gust of wind chilling me to the bones. I gripped the hoodie tighter and hunched up my shoulders to block it hitting my exposed neck.

He looked at me, not an intimidating look. A look I have never seen before. He only looked at me for a second before turning and walking inside. I watched him, feeling hurt, then scowling myself for this thought.

I watched as he walked towards the couch, picked up a big blanket that was slung over the back of the couch. He turned back towards me and came back outside. He stopped in front of me and held the blanket out.

In confusion, I looked at the blanket than back at him with a small frown on my face. He let out a chuckle making creases around his smile appear. "Here" he said than slowly and carefully moved closer, He wrapped his arms around my head and connecting them behind me. His chest was inches from noes, I breathed in his scent. I knew this scent. He then moved away from me pulling the blanket over my shoulders than dropping it on them. I was now cloaked in this blanket. I reached out with my hands and pulled it closer to me, instantly creating a barrier between me and the wind.

He gave me a final smile than turned and disappeared back in side.

I stood there for another couple of minutes, frozen in place.

Then I grabbed the chest of the hoodie and brought it to my nose. I took a big breath and smelt nothing. I dropped it and my mouth was slightly parted. I can't believe I didn't notice it before.

The smell was gone.



Well done me. Anyway, hope you like this chapter. I was gunna leave this for the next couple of days but just couldn't help myself.

Thoughts on Ben and Blaire. Cute. Lame. Moving too fast? Too slow? Predictions for the future? Let me know 😊

Until next time.

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