Chapter 8 - Ben

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I sat still in the waiting room, slumped against the wall staring straight ahead. It's been 30 minutes since I left the operating room, 30 minutes since I last saw my mate, 30 minutes of torture. I look like a mess, I'm wearing a baggy t shirt and sweatpants the nurse gave me, my hair is dirty and ruffled, and my eyes are bloodshot. The waiting room is just as bad. Shards of ceramic pieces lie on the floor from when I threw the lamp at the wall, various chairs are turned upside down as well as the coffee table.

I have been replaying everything back in my head, trying to remember every detail. She was so thin, so fragile, so beautiful. How could they do that to her. I will kill them when I find them, my wolf has been stuck between winging and lashing out. The bruises, the cuts, they hurt her and where was I. Tears streaked down my face, I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to. I buried my face into my hands and silently sobbed.

"Ben?" Chases voice cut through the silence. I stayed still. I heard shuffling around the room and then it was still again.

"Ben it's...." Chase trailed off. There was nothing he could say and he knew it. Silence settled back in.

"Blaire" My ears pricked at Penny's voice. I lifted my head and looked at her through my eyelashes. "Her name is Blaire" confirmed Penny.

Blaire. I leant my head back against the wall and let out a sigh. "You talked to her?" I asked. Penny nodded in response. "she didn't say much"

"What did she say" I pressed on, wanting to know everything about my mate as possible. Penny looked nervously at Chase than back at me. "Ben..." she spoke cautiously. "What" I said sternly. This is my mate we are talking about, I should know everything about her.

"Ben listen to me" Penny tried to reason, "This isn't your fault." I glared at her. "WHAT" I barked. Chase moved forward at this and moved penny behind his shoulder. He looked at me apologetically. He knows I would never hurt Penny it is just his wolf being protective. He of all people knows what I'm going through, "Penny just tell him" He says.

She sighs and looks at me sorrowful. "She told me that she was there for..." She took a breath, "8 years"

My whole body ran cold. I felt limp. My mind went blank. 8 years. I repeated in my head. 8 years. I started to shake. I closed my eyes feeling my wolf begin to surface. "8 years" I growled lowly.

I felt a hand on my shoulder "Mate, calm down" Chase said. At this I shot up and shoved him backwards, my wolf in full control now. "CALM DOWN" I raged glaring down at him. "MY MATE WAS STUCK IN THAT HELL FOR 8 YEARS AND YOUR TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN" My wolf ripped through my body and growled loudly. He gave a final look at chase and penny before bolting out the door and running towards the forest.  

I ran faster than I have ever ran before, hurtling through the forest jumping over logs and breaking through bushes. I didn't know where I was going, I just had to get out of there. I have never felt so awful before in my life. Suddenly, my paw clipped a log which brought me crashing to the ground. I closed my eyes and lay in the damp mud breathing heavily. 


Hours later I hobbled back to the pack house, night had settled in. My fur was matted down by thick globs of mud. A soft glow came from inside the pack house as I neared. Once I reached the pack house I saw Chase and Penny get up from the steps and rush towards me. I shifted down and stayed hunched over on the floor. A towel wrapped itself around me and I looked up to see Chase looking down at me. I opened my mouth to apologize but he stopped me "its fine" he said giving me a sad look, knowing how much pain I was in. His mate was only gone for a day at most and he was losing it.

I limped in side to see the doctor standing there with a clipboard and an apologetic look on his face. I opened my mouth once again to ask but the doctor cut me off "She's sleeping." He said. "She is weak and malnourished but she's breathing."

"When will she wake up" I asked clutching the towel that was draped over my shoulders. A frown came across the doctor's face. "We are not sure" He spoke softly "Her body has gone through so much trauma that it will take some time for her to be well enough to wake up, we are keeping a close eye on her and everything is stable. It could be tomorrow it could be next week but the important thing here is to let her wake up on her own."

The doctor than went on to explain what they found when they examined her, mostly stuff I already knew. She had years of physical abuse as well as signs of rape. I was too weak to get angry, too weak to do anything but sit there and let this rip me apart piece by piece.

After he was done explaining he lead me into the room where she lay. So still, if I didn't know better I would have thought she was dead. I bent down at the side of her bed and lay my head down onto her mattress. After a few minutes I got up and silently walked past everyone and out of the room up to my own bedroom. I dropped the towel and got in the shower. I watched as muddy water swirled down the drain. After I was done I put on a hoodie and some sweats and went back down to the place I needed to be.

When I entered the room a nurse was doing some checks on the various machines hooked up to my mate. She heard me walk in and gave me a apologetic smile before putting the clipboard down and leaving me alone in the room. I slowly made my way over to my mate again and sat down in the chair next to her bed.

I sat and stared down at her face, trying to memorise every detail. I settled my focus on her eyes, or rather her eyelids. Come to think of it I don't know what her eye colour is. I looked down her arm to see her hand laying still next to her hip. Without thinking I reached forward and gently linked mine in with hers. Granted my hands where much bigger than hers but they seemed fit together perfectly. I looked back towards her face, giving her hand a little squeeze and whispered, "I'm so sorry, Blaire."


Hello everyone, what did you think. 

I checked and my book is at the very bottom of the new section of the werewolf theme.  :D Very exciting day.

More coming soon...

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