Chapter 36 - Blaire

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The pizza place was a quite little restaurant on the edge of town.  Me and Ben were seated by a friendly waitress and ordered our pizzas.  Dinner was delicious and it was nice to get out if the house and spend time with Ben. 

Ben and I talked and laughed,  just enjoying each other’s company.  We were finishing up our pizzas as the sun settled below the horizons.

“Do you want to find your parents?” Ben asked. 

This took me by surprise a bit.  I looked up at Ben who was watching me patiently as I mulled this question over.

“Yes" I reply.  Obviously I would want to find my parents I thought.  The last time I had saw them was when I was 12.  It was a seemingly normal day.  It was only when I made it to my room at the end of the day when my head got forced into my bed and I slowly lost enough oxygen to pass out.  I woke up in a locked room and got moved around for the last 8 years being beat and abused without ever learning why.  Without knowing if my parents where okay. 

“Then I think we should find them" Bens says cutting me out of my thought.  “For real.  We should focus all of our attention on that.  I just can’t imagine what your parents are going through.  You are a lot to lose.”

I felt sick.  I had seemingly had given up on them when I was locked up and never expected to see them again.  Since being free I have been so focused on myself and Ben that I never put in any effort to find them. 

Ben must have noticed because he reached out his hand.  I grabbed it and squeezed tightly. 

“You are right.” I whisper.  My hand came up to rest my head on.  I shut my eyes and focused hard on my life as a child.  Its all foggy… especially after all these years. 

“I have talked to Chase and he says none of our surrounding packs have any information on you.”  Ben says gently.  “However that just means your parents are a bit further away.  I can get a list of some of the other packs and go from there.” 

I nod.   Again racking my brain for anything that could help me in pin point where they are.

Ben and I finish our pizza in silence both in thought about the big job ahead of us.  We get up and head home.  On the drive a quite song is playing on the radio which helps fill the comfortable silence in the air. 

“I am very grateful for you"  I say.  Ben looks over at me and smiles. 

“I am very grateful for you too".  He replies. 

When we get home we both head up to my room and head to bed.  We falls asleep almost instantly clutching each other. 

The next day we are both sitting in Chases office scrolling through records of past packs.  While I read out packs and their locations Ben puts them into the computer and scrolls through images to see if I recognize anything from that locations.  Any lakes or mountains or shops that might ring some sort of bell. 

This went on for quite some time.  We spent a while on each location to make sure I didn’t recognize anything.  Penny would come in from time to time to check up on us.  Offer some help but would have to get back to her own job.

“Okay so which pack location is next?” Ben asks. 

I run my finger down the list and find the next one up.  I tell Ben who quickly types it into the computer. 

A bunch of images flash up on the screen and he slowly scrolls through them as my eyes flick over everyone. 

I was about to call it on this location when I frozen lake popped up with a big Christmas tree in the middle.  I grabbed Bens shoulder.

“That one… the tree" I rushed out. 

Ben clicked on the photo and it enlarged.  I stared as a small memory of me skating on that lake with my Dad. 

“That’s it… I’ve been there".  I say.  Already feeling myself get giddy with excitement.  I can’t believe we found it.  I look back at the place. 

“Geraldome” I say. I lean back as Ben quickly gets a more information on the little town. 

“About 700km away.”  He says.  “Hey that’s not too bad if we wake up early we could get there in a day.”

I glance back down on the records and there isn’t any contact information.  I tell Ben and show him the book. 

He huffs.  “That’s a bit annoying but no matter, we will email some other of our neighbors and see if they have any information on them"

I wait behind Ben while he sends a group email to all of their neighbors and friendly packs.  Then we head upstairs to pack.  We have decided there is no reason to wait.  Once we have dinner we get into bed a bit early to get a good night’s sleep. 

I close my eyes with Bens hand in my draped over me brimming with excitement and a bit of nervousness about tomorrow.

Guess who’s back…. Back again.

Been getting a lot of comments recently and felt bad that I haven’t finished it.  So decided I need to buck up my ideas and get this book going again. 

Anyway enjoy. 
Until next time.

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