Chapter 18 - Ben

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I woke up well rested. My wolf seems to have calmed down a bit since we saw Blaire that morning. Being that close to her was he needed, was all I needed. I get up and dressed and head down to breakfast. I hear talking when I turn the corner and see Blaire standing behind the counter, her back towards me, and Penny sitting down pointing to things. I pause, Blaire is holding a butter knife and softly spreading a bit of toast with some butter, an avocado is sitting next to her already opened, the green insides showing. I watch as Blaire picks up the avocado and proceeds to put it on top of the butter on the toast. Penny catches my eye and smiles while gesturing me to come. "Hi Ben" She says. Mostly to let Blaire know I'm here. Blaire spins around than relaxes slightly before tensing up again and turning back around so she is facing the counter again. I see her tuck strands of her kinky brown hair behind her ears. I approach the bench, the closer I get I see that she is wearing a big navy-blue hoodie dropping below her bum. She is wearing some tights that are, too my surprise, fitting tight around her thighs and calves. She is starting to put on some muscle mass. I walk behind her cautiously and grab myself a glass from the cupboard than move next to her in front of the sink to fill it up with water.

I feel her breath in a big breath, I take this as my cue and stop filling my water up leaving it half filled. I move away from beside her and take a seat on the chair next to Penny.

"How are you this morning, anything planned" Penny askes me.

"No, not yet" I shrug. In all honesty, there is only one thing I really want to do, which is spend time with Blaire. Even just be in the same room as her, we don't have to talk or anything. I just want her to be comfortable around me. I take a sneaky glance at her and see she is still busy spreading her avocado on her toast. Every now and then she takes another big breath in, almost as if she is smelling something.

"Well me and Blaire are going to have a movie day, she hasn't seen any of the Harry Potter movies" Penny says. Looking at Blaire with a big grin on her face. Blaire looks up from her toast and smiles back. Holy cow. Never going to get tired of that.

Penny, looked between Blaire and me, before settling on Blaire. "Would you like to join us?" She asked me but still has a careful eye on Blaire. I do the same, looking for any sign of panic.

Blaire pauses mid spread, and takes a gulp. Than after a second she continues spreading her toast. Penny looks at me. I look back and without thinking too much into it reply "Okay"


An hour later I am sitting on a couch in the theatre room. Penny is sitting one couch over with Blaire next to her. That makes Blaire 3 spaces away me and although it's not ideal I am grateful to be in the same room as her. Popcorn sits next to me in a bowl and penny and Blaire have a bowl in between them. I sneak a glance at Blaire and see her knees tucked up to her chest and her side leaning into the arm rest. I clench my jaw wondering what it would be like to have her leaning against me while we watch a move. My arm would be wrapped around her and her arms would be gripping my waist. I shake my heads from these thoughts and try to focus back on the movie.

Throughout the movie I keep looking towards Blaire. Her hair tucked behind her ears and every now and then I see her nibble on her lip which snatches my gaze back to the tv. I start to feel that familiar anger bubbling up inside me, how could they hurt her, those fucking assholes. I clench my jaw and close my eyes trying to calm myself down. This has been happening quite recently, I will be minding my own business and then out of nowhere I see red, I feel all this hatred inside of me towards the people who hurt Blaire. Then depending on the severity, I usually take a couple minutes to breath it out of my system but what follows is much worse. The guilt that there is nothing I can do that can help her, there is no way of taking away her pain and that honestly is much worse.

After the first movie Penny eagerly puts in the next one, she went to sit back down but noticed that there was no more popcorn in her bowl. She picked it up.

"I'm just going to make some more popcorn. Want anymore?" She asked facing me with her back towards Blaire.

"Yea sure, I'll help you" I said pushing myself off the couch.

"NO" Penny said loudly, her hand held out in front of me to stop me moving any further, "I mean" she said recomposing herself. "I can do it myself, you can stay and..." She glanced behind her towards Blaire who was watching with her big blue eyes. Penny looked back towards me, "and keep Blaire company." The tone of her voice was consistent and innocent but she gave me a stern look that went unseen by Blaire.

With that Penny left the room leaving the only sound coming from the tv. I was alone with her. My mouth opened and closed trying to figure out the best way to break the ice.

My heart was thumping in my chest, I have never been this nervous to speak to a girl before in my life. To speak to anyone before in my life yet right now my mind is racing with things to say.

Hello? Hey? What's up? You feeling alright? Feeling good? How are you feeling? How are you? Well of course she isn't alright. Enjoying the movie? Enjoying the movie? What kind of question is that you dork. Oh my god. What am I doing? Than without warning her voice cuts through my ramblings in my head.

"Thank you"

I froze, it was almost so quiet I didn't hear it but when I looked over at Blaire who was looking back at me. My mouth was agape, I stared at her trying to gather my thoughts. "I beg your pardon"

"Thank you" She repeated, "For the other day" She continued, my frown deepened trying to recall what on earth she would be thankful for. She noticed my look of confusion and continued, "When I fell, you.... Caught me and... I just.... Thank you" A scarlet blush appeared on her cheeks, she is looking back towards the screen and untucked bits of hair from her ear and draping them over her cheeks and tucked her hand back into her hoodie, well my hoodie but I guess not mine anymore.

I slowly look back towards the screen and take a deep breath. "Your welcome" I said and swallowed the lump in my throat. I opened my mouth again hoping something would come out, hoping I could continue this conversation.

"And for the blanket this morning" I looked back and Blaire who was looking down at her hands. I looked at her with a frown on my face. Without thinking about it I asj the one question that's been on my mind since this morning.

"Do they happen a lot"

She snapped her head up at me. My eyes widened, "I'm sorry" looking back at the screen, cursing myself for crossing the line. I should have shut up when I had the chance.

Silence settles over us but is broken a minute later to Blaire whispering. "It's getting better"

I slowly look up at her, she turns her head and looks back at me with so much vulnerabilities in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry" I say slowly, hoping she understands how sorry I really am. "If there is anything I can do" I drop my gaze and bow my head. "I'll do anything." I say just a bit above a whisper. I look up at her through my lashes "I'll do anything for you"

We continue to look at each other almost hypnotized until door breaks our trance and we both snap back to our positions watching the tv. Penny comes walking in with two more bowls of popcorn.

"Sorry about that" She says. She looks between me and Blaire than back at the screen. A smile on her face.



It has been ages and I have no excuse. Hope you like this chapter. 

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