Chapter 28 - Blaire

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Warm.  I feel warm, a comfortable warm and sore.  My eyes are still shut from when... well I guess when I feel asleep.  I’m not exactly sure when I feel asleep.  What was I doing before I feel asleep?

I remember an unbearable pain.  It went on for ages and than I think I just passed out.  I cringe thinking about how common this is for me. 

A hand softly runs down the length of my body from my head down my backa and repeats.  I sigh and shiver at the touch. 

“Is she awake? Blaire?”  I hear Penny say.  At this my eyelids open immediately squinting at the white light. 

The hand moves from my back to my cheek cupping it.  I blink rapidly so that my eyes can adjust.

The first thing I notice is a grey and black object right in front of my face. 

The next thing I notice it actually how many things I can see.  By looking ahead I can focus on one item easily as well as see majority of the room. 

The finale thing I notice is Ben.  I lift my head off the bed and look into his big brown eyes.  Everything else fades away.  As if I am looking at him for the first time my heart lurches forward.  My eyes trail his face, down from his eyes to his lips and then to his jaw which is clenched.  He looks worried.  I don’t want him to be worried.  I open my mouth to ask why he is worried but just before my tongue grazes my teeth.  Two sharp teeth are protruding from the front of my mouth.  My tongue traces around my mouth.  This isn’t my mouth,   this isn't my tongue.  I begin to move when I notice my feet.  Or paws.  I sporadically look over my body.  A wolf is in its place.  A grey and black speckled wolf. 

My attempts to stand up are similar to a deer trying to walk for the first time.  I fumble for a bit before Ben reaches out and holds me still on the bed.   

“Your okay, take it easy.” Ben says.  I stop and look at him.   I growl in response.  A soft unthreatening growl but a growl all the same.

Ben helps me as I  attempt a couple more times to stand on my wobbly legs.  Penny watches and Chase had left to go get the doctor.  Penny explains that the doctor will just make sure that the first shift was done right.

Ben still has a slight worried expression on his face. 

“are you alright?  Does anything hurt?”  Ben asks softly looking me over.  I straighten my legs and relax into my new bone formation.  Once standing I look at Ben.  With him sitting on the bed and me standing my head is an inch taller than his.  He looks back at me.  I shake my head.   My big wolf head. 

He doesn’t look convinced. 

I look down at my feet and take a step getting comfortable in my new skin.  i peer over the side of the bed crouching down and shuffling over so I am balanced on the corner.  I jump off the bed but when my legs touch the ground they buckle underneath me which results in me tumbling to the floor. 

Ben lunges at me gathering me up in his hands so my body in nestled in his arms.   I don’t even notice the pain from the floor.  The only thing I focus on are his hands touching me.  Electrocuting me. 

The doctor comes in and checks me out, feels around my bones and muscles to make sure everything is where it should be.  He gives me the all clear and than asks me to, when I am ready, shift back. 

I glance around the room.  Ben is still looking worried.  He leans towards the doctor and whispers something to him.  I knew it was meant to be quite and I wasn’t meant to hear it, however the hushed voices made their ways to my ears.  As if I was the doctor and Ben was whispering to me. 

“Are you sure she can, she was in so much pain.  Maybe we should wait, give her time to recover” 

The doctor nods thoughtfully and whispers back.  “I understand were you are coming from but waiting isn’t going to make the transformation hurt any less.  In fact with all the endorphins running through her body right now it would be best to do it as soon as possible before they wear off.”

I see Bens jaw clench.  Penny notices the tension in room. 

“Your wolf is very beautiful Blaire”  Penny says.  I stand a little taller and look down at my body.  Sporadic tuffs of different shades of grey cover my body.  I take a couple steps forward towards the window.  I see my reflection looking back at me.  My eyes are black and teeth are just visible from my open mouth.  I widen my jaws further to fully inspect my teeth, white and sharp they protrude from my gums.  I give my tail a little flick.  Weird feeling.   My legs are tensed as I stand there.  I look tough and fierce and dangerous. 

After a moment of staring at myself lost in thought I zone back into the room.  Soft chatter had arose between everyone except Ben.   Ben has not stopped staring at me. 

“Blaire, are you ready to change back?”  I hear the doctor say.  I give a nod even though I want to see what my new body can do. 

“Alright now what you are going to want to do in focus on your human body.  Try to block every other thought from your mind.”  The doctor says standing back giving me space to do so. 

I close my eyes and take a breath.  I begin clearing my brain of all thoughts and feelings.  Firstly how happy I am that I now have wolf,  I am now not so unevenly matched to any other wolf I fight.  How proud I am of my wolf.  Most importantly an undeniable warming sensation all through my body when I look at ben.

My bones shatter in my body and reform.  I squeeze my eyes shut, breathing through the pain. 

2 minutes of that same hot burning feeling as before I finally I feel my fingers on the carpet and my skin rises with goose bumps.  I shiver no longer having fur to keep me warm.  Before I can feel self conscious at my nakedness a thick blanket gets draped over my shoulders.  It wraps its self around me. 

When I open my eyes I see Ben in front of me, hands holding the blanket together in front of my chest. 

I stare into his eyes and without thinking I wrap my arms around his shoulders and burry my head into his neck.  The blanket drop from my shoulders  and pools around my waist.  Our chests are pressed together.  His arms pull me closer and holds the blanket so it doesn’t drop below my hips. 

How did I not notice this before.  Everything about him draws me in.  His smell, it overpowers my noes. 

“Are you okay?” Ben whispers in my ear.  I shiver at his voice.  All I can  get out is a mumbled yes. 


After our embrace Penny and Chase left while the doctor asked a few more questions.  Feeling around my joints to make sure everything clicked back into place correctly again.  Ben stayed in the room watching over everything.  He hasn’t said anything, he just stands quietly in thought.

Finally the doctor gives me the all clear again and leaves the room.  I look over at Ben who is looking at me.  He still doesn’t say anything, I look down and realise I am still wrapped in a blanket. 

“I'm going to put some pjs on” I announce to Ben standing up.  Bens face drops.  He nods and turns to leave the room.

“Wait!” I exclaim.  “Don’t go” I say quieter suddenly feeling self conscious about my outburst..   Ben stops mid step and turns back to me.  He continues to stare at me. 

Feeling hot under his gaze I grab pjs and rush to the bathroom.  I shut the door and let out a breath.  I get changed quickly and look in the mirror. 

I use my hands to comb through my hair.  I look down and my outfit and tug at it until it sits right.  I huff.  What am I doing.  I turn back to the door and butterflies erupt in my stomach. 

I grasp the handle and pull the door open...

Hey guys.  Another chapter.  Hope you like it. 

Thanks for all of the lovely comments. 

Until next time. 

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