Event 4

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Today was the last day with Jenny. We ate breakfast and went to see my house. We walked about a mile and I saw it in the distance. I ran. Jenny followed, once we got there she was catching her breath. The brick tile looked the same. We opened the creaky door. The downstairs looked fairly the same. There were new tables, couches, and desks. We walked upstairs. The stairs felt like they would break any moment. It was so quiet we couldn't even hear our foot steps. We approached the room Andrew and I shared. The room was much cleaner than when we were here. We assumed this was a guest room. "It's so sad." Jenny said. She was looking at a painting on the wall. It was of a girl falling off a bridge. She looked helpless and scared. Like she had nothing to live for. Jenny started looking at the closet. But I stared at the painting. "Come on, we don't have all day." She grinned. But I didn't feel like smiling. We walked into mama's old room. It looked exactly the same except a small desk was added in the room. I looked out the window. "Can we go outside?" I asked. "We can do whatever," Jenny said, not really enjoying this. We walked downstairs. We opened the door into the cramped backyard. I walked toward the shed. I touched it. "I'm still here Papa." "All be inside." Jenny said, feeling awkward. I pushed the door open. All the memories flooded my brain. I could have stayed forever. " You done yet?" Jenny asked. She seemed very annoyed. I looked at my watch. It was lunchtime. I walked out of the shed. "Sorry" I said lowering my head. Jenny sighed. "It's fine. I understand." But she never did.

We walked back. "There you are!" A familiar voice called. It was Bell. "Didn't you hear, our church was bombed. And the synagogue about 4 miles from here was raided." "Oh my!" Jenny said. Bell looked at me, expecting me to be more concerned. But I just waved. "Is it just our town?" Jenny asked. "No it's all over the state." Bell said. I swear I thought she was going to pull her hair out. "Those damn atheists!!" Another voice called. It was Robin. "Language!" Jenny snapped. Robin rolled his eyes. "Hey Marie, heard you were going home tomorrow." He said. I nodded. "No one cares!" Bell said.
"Hey I CARE." Jenny said.
"We have bigger problems!" Bell yelled.
"But she's my friend!" Jenny yelled back.

They continued bickering. We were getting stared from many other civilians. "Hey, Hey, HEY!" I yelled. They quickly quieted down. "Let's not fight. This isn't the time." "She's right." Robin said. We went to a place called The Big Tomato. "This is the best salad place ever." Jenny said. We ate lunch, then Robin and Bell had to leave. I never saw them again.

I had to leave today. I thanked them for everything and I couldn't stop hugging Jenny. I saw mama and Andrew approach us. Jenny had tears pouring down her cheeks. We were all sad. "Come visit me again." She said, barely getting the words out. We headed to the tram. We got on and I waved goodbye. I hugged mama and Andrew and told them all about it.

Five days later

We got a knock on the door. "Telegram for Andrew D. Flora." A woman's voice called. I didn't budge. I continued watching television. Andrew and mama answered the door. A women talked to them and gave them a letter. I couldn't hear what they were saying. They looked sad. "What's wrong?" I asked. They turned to looked at my face. "Oh...nothing darling." Mama replied. They were lying, I felt it. But all could think about was my birthday. I was turning 14 tomorrow. At dinner, mama and Andrew were very quiet. "So, mama what did you get at the market?" "The usual" she replied. Andrew and mama were on the mitts of tears. "Tell me!" I said, standing. "Tell you what?" Mama said. Her face looked guilty. I gave her a glare. "Oh okay. Remember the day you told me about your stay with Jenny. Well..." she couldn't go on. "The bombing." She said all choked up, but she continued. "War has approached us. Your brother, being 17 and a male..." "I've been drafted into the war." Andrew said. My eyes went small. "But I'll be back in a a year and 6 months to visit." He said with a fake smile. "When do you leave?" I asked. "4 days." I fainted.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I sat there. I thought about Andrew leaving and how lonely I felt. WAIT!!! How could he have known? This is what Carson tried to warn me about. WAR. But how did he know? He told me before the bomb dropped.

My birthday was today. I got presents from mama and Andrew. I got a letter from my aunt and uncle who live across the country from us. They wished me a happy birthday at school but I wasn't happy. I had cookies for my birthday desert but I didn't eat them. I got all I wanted but I was still sad. No one knew what is was like to be me. To lose everyone you love. To put others in danger just because you exist. I got a letter from Jenny.

Dear Marie,
Happy Birthday! Your 14. That's crazy! Okay, here's the thing. I don't get how you do it. My dad is going into the war and I won't see him for a while. Bell and her family are moving to Canada to get away from war. That's two people I lost and I'm DEVASTATED! You've lost so much and your going to lose your brother too. How do you just not quit? I know things are tough but you always have me. I will always support you.
Jenny Briblin

She attached $50 to the back of the letter. I hugged that letter. Worst birthday ever. The next day, (Andrew went to spend this day with his girlfriend.)mama and were sitting on the couch. "Just us, for a while" I said. We both started crying. I went to go get so stuff for dinner. "I'm so sorry, for you. I heard your story." I looked down and a girl with black hair and millions of freckles looked at me. "Uhh, thanks." I said. "I'm lost!" She said. "Can you help me?" "Okay," I said. It took a half an hour but I found the little girl's father. "Bye Marie," she said. I waved, realizing I never told her my name. I finished shopping and went home. I opened our door. "Hello, mama?" I asked. But mama was passed out on the floor drunk. I gave her a kiss and went to bed.
Today Andrew was leaving. We couldn't hug him enough. Mama cradled his head like she did when he was little. That made me cry even more. He held me in his arms. I gave him something. That read: MY HERO. And I glued a picture of us together when we were kids. He looked at me with soul crushing eyes. He hugged and kissed Katrina goodbye. As he got on the tram he looked at the picture some more. He looked back at me and I looked at him. Our hearts pumped fast. This was it. My freckle faced best friend was gone. Probably for good too. Maybe Jenny's right. Why don't I just give up?

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