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Let's fast forward a few years. I'm 13 now. Locking myself in a room for 23 hours of the day is my favorite hobby. I haven't been out much since Johny went "missing." I got a knock on my door. "Open up Marie." It was Andrew. "No" I said, "Go away." "I have a surprise for you." He said more brightly. "NO." "When if I told you it was someone you know, that went...missing." "Johny!" I screamed as I slammed open the door. "Andrew walked in. "YOU TRICKED ME! I HATE YOU! GET OUT MY LIFE! YOU KNOW I'M SAD YOUR'E NOT MAKING IT BETTER!

He walked out. "I just wanted to tell you that...."

Two hours passed. "Sweetie will you please join me for dinner." Mama called. "No," I replied. But I was easily convinced. I walk downstairs to the dining room. Mama greeted me with a smile. "There's my beautiful girl. I shrugged. "Where's Andrew." I asked. He went to meet his girlfriend's parents. "Oh." I liked Andrew's girlfriend. Her name is Katrina. She is really nice. But mama doesn't like her because she's a party animal and she's on drugs. But she has a great sense of humor and is actually very polite. It was very silent until mama said: "Jenny was thinking about coming here for a week or so." "Who's Jenny," I asked. "Well your friend of course." I remembered. "I'd rather go to her town, I don't want her to die too." Mama replied: "Marie she won't die like your..." I stood up. I went to my room and cried. Until I saw him.

I saw him through the window. Carson. He was standing outside my room. He wanted my attention. I was going to tackle that bastard. Shove him to the ground like he did my heart. I climbed out my window. I jumped down and through a punch towards his face. He caught it. I saw him. He was crying but it was tears of blood. He didn't have his glasses. "It's coming he said. "I'm going to beat you so hard!" I knocked him to the ground. "Wait stop! It's coming." "What's coming?" I asked. "" he said trembling. "There's nothing you can do! It's almost here!" He kept saying. "What's almost here?" I said as blood from his tears were on my hand. He gave me a hug and ran away. I stood there. All I could do is stand.

It's been two days and Andrew hasn't come back. Mama made a trip to the police. We asked everyone, especially Katrina's parents and Katrina. I was so scared I just wanted him back. I was a jerk in that moment and I felt awful too. I found a letter on the kitchen table. It read:

Dear Marie,
How are you? I know I haven't seen you in 4 years but I wanted to send this letter. The last time you saw me is when we were reading a poetry book from school. I remember it being about a boy. A boy wanting to get something so badly, he was determined to get his destiny. I want to see you again because I miss you. Some things have changed since you left. I have short hair now and I have some new friends. I also have a huge crush on this boy with earrings. He's so cool. School has been well. The nuns have been getting meaner over time. But we got a new nun who is evil. Some say if you disrespect her, she locks you in a closet. It's like she wants you to have a miserable time. Anyway I have good grades mostly "B's." Well if you want to come to your hometown and see me again. Feel free.
-Jenny Briblin

Jenny always makes me smile. Another day passed. Each moment Andrew's not here my heart beat gets faster. I want him to come home. He is the best brother you could ask for. If he's dead I might just have to kill myself. It's coming. What did that mean. I never knew until it happened. I was confused. I curled into a ball. I turned on my radio and played my favorite song. I hugged myself tight. I had black circles around my eyes. I heard my mama singing. I crept downstairs in the living room. My held a picture of papa in her hands. He looked so much like Andrew. I hummed a song. Mama turned to look at me. She turned pale. I left her be.

A week passed. I went outside. "ANDREW!" I called. "ANDREW, WHERE ARE YOU?!" "Please come back." I cried. "He's probably dead. Like everyone I love!" I thought. I turned to see stares of other civilians looking at me. A old woman walked up to me. "Is everything all right?" She asked. She put a comforting arm around my shoulders. "No, I...I..gotta go." I was paranoid. That old woman's going to die too. An hour felt like 80 and a week felt like a year. It was a cold day so I threw on the wolf sweater Andrew gave me. I was about to go out when I heard a noise from the attic. We had a small empty attic. I decided to go up there.

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