My Visit

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I've never been in the attic before. I crept in the darkness. It was full of dust. I couldn't stop coughing. I heard whispers all about. It echoed through me. I felt something. There was a crackling sound. I touched my back and fell to the floor. There was a big spider on me. I saw ants everywhere they all were gathering towards a certain place. I followed them. Bread crumbs. The ants picked them up. When did bread get in the attic? Silence filled the area. I walked toward the blackened corner. It was probably nothing. Turn back. Why do you get yourself into these stupid situations, I thought. I pulled down the spider webs that appeared. I saw shoes. Gray ones. They were dusty like the rest of this place. I turned around. A chill went through my spine. Was there someone living in our attic. I had to leave and tell mama about this. I started to leave when I got a tap on my shoulder.

"Took you long enough." He came out of the shadows with a smile on his face. "Andrew!!!" I couldn't have yelled louder! I gave him the biggest hug. "When, what, how, why?" I asked. The floor creaked. "We should probably go." He said. "I wanted to see how much you loved me. You said weeks ago that you wanted me out of your life. I knew you were mad and didn't mean it, I guess I just needed to see it myself. I'm sorry. Well now I know you love me. I'd never been happier. I was speechless. This torture and him missing was my fault. "I'm sorry." I said.
A few weeks later

Today was the day. I packed my bags. I was going to my hometown to see Jenny. She said the elderly couple that lived in our house went on vacation and said we could look around. I was so excited to see my only friend. (That was outside of the family.) We were on our way and each second I grew more anxiety. I will get to meet her friends and family. I was so happy. We arrived in Greta Side. (My hometown.) We walked to Jenny's house and she was already waiting outside. I dropped my bags as we ran to each other. She gave me a big hug. "It's about time I saw you. You still have beautiful red hair. And your brother is still really cute." She said looking at my brother, (who's sixteen now) and giggled. I laughed. I noticed her short hair. It use to go down to her chest. Now it went down to her chin. She still had her blonde hair and a braid. "Let my help you with your bags." She offered. "Oh...give me a second." I said running toward mama and Andrew. I gave them a big hug. "Don't die when I'm gone okay. " I said. They laughed as mama gave me a kiss on the cheek. But I wasn't joking.

I missed them already. "Hello Marie!," said a recognizable voice. "Oh hello Mrs. Briblin." I said facing Jenny's mother. You girls run along, I made Johny cakes for dinner. My heart skipped a beat. JOHNY, I thought. But I kept my cool. "Let's go to my room." Jenny said. We went upstairs. I opened the room. I remember Jenny having very ugly wallpaper in her room. As we walked in I saw new wallpaper. This way uglier than the last one! I never told her that of course. So we sat on her bed and talked about our life the last few years. She went first. Her life was normal (lucky!) for a school girl. I listened because I had a lot to say about MY life. I asked her some questions like "How'd the school year go?" She told me the average, boring, normal life until she said: our school got bombed a couple of times. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, the atheists. They bombed our school because they think our way of life is wrong. There's been three bombings and one over the summer. Seventeen students were killed and fifty- six were injured, including one of my friends. It was a bad time. But it's over now." "Wow" I said. "So tell my your story." She said. I took a deep breath. "There's no point. You won't believe me. It's to ridiculous." "I'll believe anything you say, plus why would you lie?" She said with a warm tone of voice. " it goes." I told her everything. About my friends Sandra, Ana, and Jane. I told her what Jane did and how I "saved" the town. I told her about my grandma Lucy. I told her how I met Johny and about him eating soap. "Ewww, that's disgusting!" She said. "That's what I told him." I said. I continued. I talked about how we met Carson and went on his secret mission only to find it was a trick. I told her how sad I was when Johny died. Then I told her about Andrew and how he went "missing." The last thing I told her is what Carson told me at my window. She was speechless. "Is this true?" She asked. "Yes," I said with wet eyes. She gave me a comforting arm then gave me a hug.

"Girls, dinners ready!" Mrs. Briblin shouted. We ran downstairs. "Good evening Mr. Briblin," I said. "Hello, nice to see you again." He responded. Dinner was great. It was a very friendly environment. After dinner Jenny and I went outside to catch fireflies. I felt like my nine year old self again. Soon it was time for bed. I slept on the couch, it was uncomfortable but I didn't complain. I was so happy to see my friend again. We woke up. Mrs. Briblin made chicken soup and hash browns. It was delicious. We talked all morning. "'s time." Jenny blurted out. I just stared at her blankly. "I was going to take you on a wagon ride. You can meet my friends. What'd you say?" I smiled. We walked four miles to get to a farm.

"This is my friend Robin's farm. He knows your coming." We approach a horse and a wagon with three people. "Hel-" I started to say when a girl wrapped her arms around me. "Hi, you must be Jenny's friend. What's your name? My name is Bell." "Woah slow down." Jenny said. "Oh sorry." Bell said. She smiled. "Well uhh I'm Marie, Marie Flora." "Wow, I'm Bell Dulgi and that's Robin." He waved. I noticed bandages on his right arm. I assumed it was from the bombing. He walked up to me and held out his hand. Robin Keen, welcome to my farm. Bell had black hair and a worn shirt and skirt. She had brown eyes and she wore no shoes. I assumed she was a more poor civilian. Robin had light brown hair and blue eyes. He had a watch on his left arm and wore and red and navy plaid shirt. He was rich. His farm reminded me of grandma Lucy. The third person was an adult. I assumed it was Robin's father. Robin helped us get on the wagon. While the wagon was moving I told them more about myself. Like my family, my hometown, and my school. Then I got to know them. They were very nice people. I could see why Jenny hung around them. Jenny nudged me. It's like she could read my mind. "So Robin is it okay if you tell Marie about...the incident." She asked.

"Oh yes the bombing. Well I was walking out of math class talking with my neighbor about how tough our homework was. You know normal stuff kids complain about. Then I heard someone shout: "ATHEIST!" We were so confused until a pile of kids ran towards us. I heard a beep and that's all I remember in that moment. Anyway I woke up and the medics were gathered around me. My parents were so relieved. I didn't know why. I sat up and looked at my arm. The medics were bandaging it. Blood was dripping down my arm. My eyes widened. I was terrified. Well that's my story." "So does you arm hurt in those bandages?" I asked. "Not really." He responded. "Do you want to see it?" He asked. "No!" Jenny and Bell said. But I nodded. I went a sat next to him, helping him unwrap the bandages. It revealed scars and dry blood all up his arm. He looked at me and smiled. This was the first time I saw him smile. "Are you okay? That really looks painful." "I'm fine!" He said, "Don't need to worry." I went and sat next to Jenny again. She nudged me once more and said: "How about you tell them what you told me." "Umm okay." So I told them everything. I also told them how my father died. "She's lying" Bell said. "There is NO way!" "It's true" "This is some sort of pitiful tragedy." Jenny said. "Yeah, I guess it is."

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