Event 3 (part 1)

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"Good heavens" mama said, "Where were you?!" "I..uh," I started. "I was under a sellers canapé in the market. I realized the rain wouldn't stop so I ran home." It was the worst lie I've ever came with in my lying industry. "You've been avoiding us, we don't know where you go. So Andrew is going to follow you till we can trust you." "But mama," I yelled. "NO BUTS" mama screamed. Now I couldn't help Carson and I couldn't hang out with Johny without my brother being around. I ran outside as fast as I could. Andrew tackled me. "LET GO!" I said struggling to get out of his grasp. We went inside.

I locked myself in my room. "Marie open up. You think I want to do this. Mama's making me." Andrew said. I sat silently on my bed. I had a plan. "I want to be by myself "I said. "Well you can't open up." He replied. "No," I said. "Fine I'm going to pick the lock." He said. I grinned. My plan was coming together. "No you won't" I said, egging him on. I heard footsteps. He was grabbing a paper clip in his room. This was my chance. I peeked out. I saw no one so I opened my window. I climbed out and I stood on top of the roof. I closed my window and I got to the lowest point of the roof and jumped. The night before Carson told us to meet him at his fort. So that's exactly what I was going to do.

I got to the fort. Johny and Carson were already there. "Took ya long enough," Johny snagged. "Not if you have your brother as a security guard" I said. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "We gotta move if we don't want to run into Andrew." I said. "She's right. We don't want to get caught so follow me." This was the first thing Carson said. He had a lot more confidence in his voice than yesterday. Johny followed him and I wasn't far behind. "So what does she look like?" Johny asked. She has blackish-brownish hair and she has a ton of freckles. About as tall as Marie, maybe a little taller." We were about 25 minutes into our mission and then a voice said. "Get out...Now...Before...they..." "Before they what?" Carson asked. "I...want..the...girl" They voice whispered again. They turned to look at me. I gulped. I was scared. Johny was scared for me. Carson tripped on a note that read.

"We won't stop until we get you. Give up or face our torture. If you are really as strong as the town says, prepare to feel weak!"

I started to run. This wasn't worth dying over. Carson grabbed me. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Marie please." I knew Andrew was coming. I agreed to keep going. Voices were screaming at us. We came across a trail of rocks. We decided best not to follow because it was probably a trap. All the sudden Carson screamed, "RUN!" Johny and I ran without knowing why. A little explosion went off. This wasn't big enough for the town to hear, but it was big enough to kill a person. "A mine!" Johny said in shock. Blades flew at us.
We hid behind a rock. Johny passed out. "We have to move." He shouted. It was hard to hear because of all the mines and blades. We ran as fast as we could. Carson carried Johny. We didn't stop running for 10 minutes straight. Finally the coast was clear. Then we saw something in the distance. Unlike anything we've seen before.

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