Event 3 (part 2)

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Disclaimer: READ PART 1 FIRST!

Johny laid on the floor, were weren't sure if he was dead or not. I didn't want to find out. My eyes started getting wet. "Hey, what's wrong." Carson said. "Everyone I meet ends up dying." I said. "So you're probably next." I tried really hard not to cry. Carson had sympathy in his eyes. "I understand" he said. "No, you don't!" I snapped. He gave me a hug. "Both of my parents died of cancer." He said quietly. I just kept quiet. Then he awoke.

I cried tears of joy. "Johny!?" I gave him a huge hug. "What?" He said with major confusion. I was so happy until he pointed out what we saw earlier. "That must be the lab." Carson said. We ran towards it. "I see an entrance on the roof."
Johny called out. So we jumped one platform,
Climbed a rope, and slid on the roof. We all jumped down silently. I was the last to jump. It was a very cold and eerie when we first jumped down. "I think the test tubes are this way." We creep into a room with many test tubes. I noticed half of them have people in them. A chill went down my spine. "There she is." Carson whispered. We made our way towards a test tube. There was a beautiful girl in it. She was out cold. "Oh Willow." Carson wailed. Johny and I never even asked what her name was. "Willow, that's a nice name." Johny said trying to be comforting.

We walk to some open test tubes. "I wonder how these work?" Johny asked. "It doesn't matter we gotta get her out." I said. Johny walked towards Willow's test tube. Carson stopped me. "Sad, I actually kind of liked you." He said as he gave me a kiss. I was very confused until he threw me into a test tube. I screamed for help as he took Johny and locked him in one as well. Carson turned on the tubes. Blue water started coming out of it. It burned. I banged on the glass. Carson had a smug look on his face. "I thought we could TRUST you!!" I yelled. "You thought wrong." Johny and I were screaming as the mysterious substance arose from the ground. I couldn't breath. I started to get a ring in my ear. I couldn't hear. My vision blurred. This was it. I passed out.

I awoke in my bed. It was a dream! Or so I thought when I figured out Johny went missing.

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