Event 1.

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I lay in bed. We've been staying with Grandma Lucy for a long time now and it hasn't been as bad as I expected. I feel bad for Andrew though because he doesn't go near the animals and he has been very quiet since we've gotten here. I miss my shed. I have nothing to help me carry on in life. I want Papa to know I'm okay.

Grandma has a small television, where Andrew spends all his time. I thought it was a normal day but Andrew gasped as a tornado warning flashed across the screen. I remember screaming. I was terrified. Andrew and I have never experienced a tornado. "IS EVERYTHING OKAY!!!!!!!!" Grandma Lucy and mama ran inside. I hid under the coach. I thought we would die for sure. "Relax Marie, we are safe. There is a underground door outside." Mama said. It was very windy. I held Andrew's hand as we walked toward as rusty hatch looking door. I love him more than anything and I promised mama I would keep him safe ever since I was four years old. She laughed as my lisp showed through. "That's so sweet. But I think Andrew should protect you."

I climbed down in a smaller (but manageable) space. It was decked out with food, water, and blankets. Before I knew it was over. Over the course of the next three days tornados warnings kept coming, but no tornados actually formed. Two days later. Alarms went off. Hell broke loose.

We headed towards the hatch as the wind blew me back and I stumbled to the ground. My foot got caught in some mud. Andrew ran after me and tried his hardest to pull me out. He eventually did and I lost my shoe. He carried me to the hatch he paused for a second, then he kept going. We made it and grandma Lucy and mama closed the hatch. He set me down. Slight tears slid down my cheeks. I noticed dirt on his leg. Then I noticed a deep cut on his leg. Then I realized it was not dirt it was blood. He pulled me to his chest. I put his arms around him. "I love you." I told him.

Grandma Lucy forgot the radio and she knew she had to go back up there. "It's too dangerous mother!" My Mama scolded. "I have to." She kissed mama on the cheek and left. I never saw her again.

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