She a full time ho. I know, I know.

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Changing things up a bit guys. Hope yall enjoy. && btw excuse the chapter title lol. Idk if yall know who the rapper future is but its a line in his song "Dese bitches ain't shit" which was the title of a chapter in "best friend." Soooo yea.

Ci's p.o.v.

I stared off, waiting for the person to start doing their damage. In no way was I a punk, but this person had what looked like a butcher knife so I decided not to act against the person but rather persuade them not to do whatever it was they were trying to do.

Me- I promise that you don't have to do this.

Person- yes I do. You ruined my life, & now its time I ruined yours.

They raised their hand & in return, I jumped up from my nap. I looked around to see I'd been laying on the couch & drifted off to sleep. I looked over to see Miya fast asleep in the play pen but junior & Lili were nowhere in sight. I trotted around the house to find them doing slip n slide in the kitchen with dish detergent.

Me- what are yall in here doing ? I should whoop-

The kids pointed to the right & I saw Roc standing there with soap suds in his hair & on his face. I chuckled a little, walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist then kissed me. I pulled away and laid my head on his chest trying to hold composure from the dream I had. I was starting to think I could predict the future or suffered from deja vu pretty often. (This happens to me foreal) But this particular person I dreamt about was someone I'd never see again. It was virtually impossible. Later on in the day, I got a phone call from my best friend Jocelyn(once again she's a real life friend lol.. ill post a pic as soon as I figure out how to). She was tired of her situation at home & since we had this big ass mansion with nothing but space, I got the crew together & they agreed to let her stay. It quickly became a decision I regretted making.

Ci's p.o.v.

So I was eating lunch lunch in the food court with Nicki and Kasey, not really talkin cuz a nigga was hungry and my food wouldn't stop tasting so great. I felt my phone vibrate so looked at it.

Me-oooo snap! Drea said she bout to go to jail!

Kasey-for what? She stay about to be going to jail.

Me-I don't know. She said she's about to murder Diggy. Umm chop his balls off and sew em to his forehead. Haha damn, I gotta use that on Roc.

Nicki- wah damn! That sounds like some painful shit.

I asked Drea what did Diggy do and when she replied that he had confessed to her after feeling so damn guilty that he cheated , I lost my mind.

Nicki's P.O.V.

I never seen Ci be so calm, but still mad as fuck in my life. After she read her text message, she took one last bite of her chicken sandwich and a sip of apple juice. She got up to walk off. I thought she was going back to work but she headed to the parking lot. Since Kasey drove that day, Ci had her take us to the house. I was beyond blowed because we only had an hour lunch and half of that was already gone and the house wasn't near work. Once we got home, she walked up to Jocelyn's room, grabbed her by her hair, punched her in a pressure point in her chin, and she passed out just like that and then Ci just walked the hell off. Now if that wasn't no gangsta shit, I don't know what is. But that aint even the most fucked up part.....

Ci's p.o.v.

So I know yall wondering why I hit Jocelyn when it was none of my business right? See this isn't the first time she's done some fuck shit like that. She went out with a boy right after me & lied and said he was cheating so I could break up with him but of course since she's my best friend I believed her. Next thing I know, she got pix with him on facebook of them kissing. But because I gotta big heart, I still fucked with her. I went to my room and laid on the bed. I wasn't in the mood to go back to work and Kasey decided to stay with me while Nicki went back. A little while later, Kasey came to check on me.

Kasey-hey sis, you ok?

Me-yea man I'm straight I guess. I'm not about to stress I have children to worry about. Ima just let Drea handle it and stop fuckin wit Jocelyn all together and her ass is definitely out of this house.

*~With You~* Sequel to [Best Friend] A Roc Royal of Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now