Chapter 47 - Rematch Sabotage

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Quidditch rematch between Gryffindors and Ravenclaw arrived sooner than they were ready. All the confidence they had built up for the first time seemed to have evaporated from all except Ron who seemed to be too distracted to be nervous.

Ron had never spent a minute alone since the meeting with the DA. It was always Harry and Hermione or Neville and other DA members who gave him company especially with Terrence in close proximity as though they expect him to pounce and attack Ron.

"Where are you going? We are supposed to meet the team at the pitch." Hermione asked Ron as he got up from the Gryffindor table during the breakfast before the match.

"Restroom. You go ahead, mate, I'll meet you at the changing rooms. The Captain can't be late after all!" Ron said slapping Harry on the back.

Hermione looked at him in worry but to her relief, Neville who had been sitting with them jumped to his feet immediately and said "I think I'll go with you."

Ron nodded. He didn't seem to mind the company, in fact he seemed to be enjoying the attention. For the first time he didn't even seem too nervous about the match. Harry believed this was because he is never left alone with his thoughts long enough to fill his head with doubts.

"He'll be ok." Hermione said watching Harry's expression. "I'm sure he will be great today."

"It's not the match I'm worried about." Harry said, leaning forward towards Hermione. "It's Ron. What if something happens to him at the match again?"

"Just focus on finishing the match early. Soon Ron will be safe at the ministry and nobody can get him there!" Hermione said putting down her spoon.

There was a small commotion behind Harry where a Ravenclaw girl with dark curly hair tipped her goblet of pumpkin juice and it spilled everywhere causing everyone around her to grab their books and move away before it got wet.

"All the best, I'll see you after the match." Hermione said before jumping out of her seat and scurrying out of the great hall.

It felt like the coldest November yet but the Gryffindors fought against the cold air when they practiced for the rematch against Ravenclaw.

"We are in the lead by 40 points. You all played well last match. Keep it up and get us another 40 points then I will catch the snitch and finish the game." Harry said to the team before they started the match.

As they waited for Madam Hootch to call them, Ron arrived unsurprisingly accompanied by Hermione. They had been inseparable since Harry and Ron decided to leave Hogwarts and join the Ministry. It was only because of Hermione that they decided to stay at Hogwarts until Kingsley confirmed their position at the Auror department.

In the last owl Kingsley had sent, nearly a fortnight ago, he said,

".......Usually the training of new Aurors begins by the end of the school year but since the circumstances stances around you and Ron are different I would like to place you directly under the guidance of Hestia Jones. She is currently off on an assignment and is expected to return in a few weeks........."

Although she didn't like being left behind, Hermione was thrilled to have a few more weeks with Ron and decided to make the best of it.

"Good luck!" She said. She had her wand out and was scanning Harry and Ron with it.

"What in Merlins name are you doing?" Ron asked.

"It's a spell detector. I'm just making sure that none of you have any traces of magic on you." Hermione replied. "Even Salem magic." She added in a low voice.

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