Chapter 23 - The Raid

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Their faces haunted Harry every night he closed his eyes to sleep, but tonight his usual nightmares changed a little.

Terrence was there with snakes creeping around at his feet, laughing as each loved one disappeared behind the flash of green light.

When he heard his mother scream his name and disappear behind the flash of light, he woke up with a jump.

Unable to go back to sleep, Harry pulled on his dressing gown and looked over at Ron. Ron was fast asleep, mouth open and snoring.

Going down to the common room, Harry decided to sit in front of the fire for a while and try to do his homework. That should distract him enough to feel sleepy again, but one of the chairs were already taken.

"Couldn't sleep, Terrence?" Harry asked before he could stop himself.

Terrence jumped, he had his wand out and when Harry spoke, he hastily tucked it into his pocket and turned to smile at Harry.

"Zack snores." Terrence said "another sleepless night." He gave a fake sigh.

Harry gave a small laugh even though he did not feel like laughing. Something about Terrence made Harry feel he couldn't trust him. He wished he managed to find out what Terrence was up to the other day but was distracted by Ginny's sudden arrival.

"I should get going if I don't want to drop off in here." Terrence said getting up to go.

Harry watched him leave. Once he left Harry saw a familiar looking silver ring on the chair he was sitting on. He picked it up and examined it.

It was a two ended snake forming a loop and meeting at one end with an emerald in their mouths. The emerald was strange because it did not reflect. It was dull and dark.

Remembering the time Dumbledore wore a mysterious ring that did not belong to him, Harry decided to pocket it without trying it on.

Terrence gave him the creeps, but maybe Hermione could find out something about him from this ring. Perhaps a clue to who he was.


"This is taking too long!" A women said angrily as she stared out the window.

"We are making great progress in a very short time." The bald man assured her.

"It's not fast enough. I can't live like this anymore." The women told the man. "Running and hiding is not something I was trained for." She ran her hands through her thick curly hair in frustration.

"You know why everyone listens to your sister more?" The man said. The women snapped her head towards him, eyes narrowed as though she was daring him to insult her.

"It's because she is patient." He continued, ignoring her glare. "You both are equally talented but she is more respected because of her calm composure."

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