Chapter 38 - House Elves

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The Gryffindor common room was deserted. Everyone had gone to their classes. Only peeves was floating around the portrait hole tossing bits of parchment around for the house elves to clean later.

"Look who it is! Potty, Wesel and Ginger!" He screeched, dropping bits of parchment on them as they entered.

"Good to see you too Peeves." Ron muttered, dusting off the bits from his hair.

"Shall we get our stuff and go to class then?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"And study what? Nothing this school teaches us will  help us stop a 600 year old powerful sorcerer from killing an entire bloodline for immortality." Harry said.

"Never underestimate what books can teach you." Hermione said definitively. "Besides, what will you do if you leave Hogwarts?"

"I told you, I'm going to take up Kingsley's offer and join the Aurors." Harry said.

"And then what?" Hermione said with her hands on her hips like Mrs Weasley used to do when she had to lecture the twins. "Do you have a plan?"

"You mentioned a girl, from Slytherin I think, who said her father was in the secret council at the ministry." Harry said.

"Yes, Greengrass or something." Hermione said. "What about her?"

"I need to talk to her." Harry said flatly. "I need to get more information about Flamel and so far the secret council are the only ones who can help."

"What about Kingsley?" Ron asked.

"He has enough to deal with as minister. I want to get to the council myself." Harry said. But that was not completely true. He knew Kingsley would get him to meet the council but he doubted if the council has been totally honest with their minister. Going through Greengrass might be more effective.

"I suppose I could find her..." Hermione said her voice trailing off. She couldn't help but think of Draco Malfoy and wonder what has happened to him since.

"Well, come on then, we need to find her." Harry said gesturing to the portrait hole.

"Can we get some breakfast first? I'm starving." Ron moaned, followed by a grumble from his stomach.

Harry rolled his eyes but Hermione clapped her hands together and said "Me too! Let's go to the kitchens. The feast ended a while ago."

Reluctantly Harry followed them to the corridor where the painting of the bowl of fruits hung.

Ron lifted his forefinger and tickled the pear and the painting gave way to the entrance of the kitchen.

As Harry Ron and Hermione stepped in, all the house elfs crowded around them in excitement.

"Harry Potter is alive!!" They cheered, jumping up and down happily.

"Yes, I'm fine too! Thanks for asking." Ron said with a frown.

"We Houselves was so worried when Deatheaters arrived." One of the smallest house elves squeaked.

"Thanks." Harry said chest getting heavy as he pictured Dobby running up to him in excitement.

"But we are fine!" Harry continued gesturing Ron who was clearly not enjoying the fact they had ignored him completely.

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