Chapter 37 - The Headmaster's Potrait

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Harry stepped out of the fireplace in the Hogwarts Headmasters office and dusted off his robes followed by Ron and Hermione.

McGonagal stood in front of her desk her hands locked together in front of her. She looked better than she did since the start of term. She looked more confident, like her old self.

"Potter, Weasley." She said sighing in relief. "Good to see that you two are ok."

"Thanks professor." Harry said.

"Did the ministry find professor Slughorn?" Ron asked and McGonagall shook her head sadly.

"The ministry stormed the place after you three got out, but there wasn't anyone there." She said.

"They must have realised I had backup and disapperated immediately." Hermione said deep in thought.

"The minister has put this search on priority." McGonagall said.

"We need to talk to professor Dumbledore alone, professor." Hermione said, McGonagal looked taken aback.

"We just want to see if he can give us some answers" Harry said looking past McGonagal to Dumbledore who nodded politely.

McGonagal did not reply. She seemed to understand how Harry felt and just pursed her lips before giving Dumbledore one last look and leaving her office.

"Professor." Harry said turning to Dumbledore's portrait the moment the door snapped shut.

"You have a lot of questions for me." Dumbledore's portrait said peering at Harry over his half mooned spectacles.

"Yes. But I want to know how real you are." Harry said.

"I am as real as any painting within these walls. I can move, talk, think and even feel, but I cannot come back to my original form." Dumbledore said simply as he leaned back onto his armrest.

"Some magical portraits are capable of considerably more interaction with the living world. Traditionally, a headmaster or headmistress is painted before their death. Once the portrait is completed, the headmaster or headmistress in question keeps it under lock and key, regularly visiting it in its cupboard (if so desired) to teach it to act and behave exactly like themselves, and imparting all kinds of useful memories and pieces of knowledge that may then be shared through the centuries with their successors in office."

"What about your memories? Do you still have them?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Yes and no. My former self told me much about my life. I can only tell you what I know for he may have chosen not to tell me things. But I suspect this has something to do with Nicholas's and my relationship." Dumbledore said shifting uncomfortably

"You are right." Harry said followed by Ron's cough which sounded like "as usual"

"We don't really know anything about Nicholas Flamel. Hermione went through every book at the Hogwarts library in our first year just to try and find his name." Harry said.

"Flamel is an extraordinary wizard who is also a fugitive. His punishment was to live a long life in Britain while helping the wizarding community's advancement in magic." Dumbledore began. "In exchange he could keep his reputation and live a Normal life with his wife in Britain."

"Normal murderous life." Ron muttered and Hermione shushed him.

"He had reformed. I met with him several times and he showed no murderous intentions nor did he show any particular interest in you." Dumbledore continued defensively. "Infact I don't think he had even mentioned the Weasley family at all."

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