Chapter 30 - Nicholes Flamel

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"Nicholas Flamel?" Hermione gasped at the portrait of Dumbledore who gave her a sad smile.

"But I thought he died when the stone was destroyed." Ginny said confused.

"He had enough of elixir to last him and his wife a few years." McGonagal said to them before turning to Dumbledore. "I'm sorry Albus."

"Whatever for,Minerva?" Dumbledore asked her kindly.

"For not coming to you sooner." She replied. "Nicholas came to see me soon after the war ended and just before the school term started. He had just come out of hiding and wanted to meet with you."

"It seems he had not yet heard of your passing and he took the news rather badly." She said.

"What did he say?" Dumbledore asked.

"He said something about more time. But it could only be discussed with you." McGonagall continued.  "He returned to Hogwarts the night, the school term began and demanded an audience with Potter. I declined because of the state he was in and because I thought it would be best to allow Potter to continue his education without any more distractions."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Minerva." Dumbledore said. "The situation is quiet understandable..... although I would have preferred to let Harry decide for himself. I think he has earned that right."

McGonagall nodded looking very upset.

"Did he try to make contact since?" Dumbledore asked.

"Come to think of it, yes! Slughorn invited him to the Hallowe'en feast but he did not come." McGonagall said a sudden realisation dawning on her.

"What do we do then, professor?" Dumbledore asked, peering at her over his half mooned spectacles.

McGonagal straightened up and turned to the other portraits who were all listening intently.

"Headmasters. We need you to find out if there are any students out of bed, anyone at all, and I must be notified immediately." McGonagall commanded in a strong voice.

"Professor, if you would be so kind as to inform Mr. Flitch of our current situation." She added to the portrait of Professor Dimplet, who nodded and slid out of his portrait immediately.

"Severus." She continued turning to the dark portrait near corner. Nobody noticed Snape watching them silently from there. "Could you check on Horace. The party was his idea after all."

Snape nodded and left his portrait without a word.

McGonagall then turned to another portrait. "Everard, could you bring the minister to us?"

"If Nicholas wants more time to live, he might be planning to make another philosopher's stone and we can't let that happen." McGonagall finished. The air in the room was suddenly lighter as the morning sun rays poured through the window and filled the office.

Dumbledore beamed at McGonagall in pride, watching her take charge of the situation.


Harry had fought against the death eater who was dragging him out of the room and into the corridor but failed as he was slammed against the wall.

The force took the wind out of him and he crashed on the ground, gasping.

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