Chapter 29 - Philosopher's Stone

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Ron stood alone in the Center of the room, shivering.

"Do you know why you are here,boy?" The master asked.

Ron shook his head, unable to speak, his eyes fixed on the disfigured face of the master.

"The Weasley family is one of the oldest pure blood wizarding families alive today." The master said walking in a circle around Ron.

"They have spread all over the world.... like.... like cockroaches." He continued. Ron's ears went red in anger.

"What do you want with us?" Ron shouted.

"Only what is owed." The master said stopping in front of Ron. Then he pulled out his wand and shouted-


Ron began to yell. He fell to the ground and began twitching.

The master watched in pleasure.


Hermione finally stopped running and sunk to the floor.

Ginny found her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Hermione, you are shaking!" She said. "I dint realise this would affect you so much."

Hermione wiped her eyes quickly. "I'm worried about Harry and Ron." She said.

"I am too, but we need to work together if we are going to find them." Ginny said.

"Shh..." Hermione said suddenly, leaning forward to listen. Ginny fell quiet too.

"Someone is coming." Hermione said getting to her feet. "Quick, into the cupboard."

They scrambled into the cupboard and shut the door just as the voices reached them.

"I told Granger to meet you professor, she is probably still in the hospital wing." McGongall said.

"But I just came from there. Miss Granger and Miss Weasley left ages ago." Flitwick said in a squeaky voice.

The sound of footsteps stopped.

"Merlin's beard! How foolish of me!" McGonagall gasped. "Of course they couldn't come to us. They would want to save Potter and Weasley themselves!"

"We must stop them." Flitwick said. "They have no idea what they are dealing with."

"Go alert the rest of the staff. I will talk to the Weasleys." McGonagall said and the sound of hurried footsteps echoed the corridor till they left.

"We have to go to McGonagall for help." Ginny said as they climbed out of the cupboard. "They seem to know more than we do."

Hermione bit her lip thinking hard. "I suppose we don't have a choice."

10 minutes later they stood in front of Flitwick's office.

"Hermione! Ginny!" Mrs Weasley cried as they entered. She ran towards them and pulled them into a tight hug. Mr Weasley joined them from behind.

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