Chapter 2 - To Forgive And Heal

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"Holyhead Harpies." Harry read "Who is that?" he added, looking up.

"Only one of the oldest and most prestigious all-female Quidditch teams in the British and Irish league." Ginny said, turning to face Harry. Her face was glowing. Obviously this was something she had wanted for a long time.

"Gin, That's amazing news!" Harry exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. But then he realized what the problem was "When do they want you?"

"Immediately." Ginny said with a sigh. "There is a big game coming up in a few weeks and they want me to start training."

Harry Didn't say anything because this would mean Ginny would be gone for long periods of time. She would be travelling a lot. The timing of this opportunity could not have been worse. If he moves out and Ginny joins the team, there would be fewer people to help the Weasley family mourn.

"Go." Harry said quietly. "I'll stay here, at the Burrow."

Ginny looked up at him in surprise.

"Don't worry about anything here, I'll take care of George and everyone else." he said.

Ginny's eyes started to water. "Really?" she said. "Is this a good time? with everyone still in mourning."

"Gin, if there is anything we should have learnt in the last few years is that we should live for the present. Go be an amazing Quidditch player, soon everyone will be there celebrating with you." Harry said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

She smiled, letting a tear fall before wiping it away. "They could still cut me from the team." She said "If I mess up at tryouts."

"You won't mess up." Harry said confidently "You had the best captain in Hogwarts history." He said, obviously meaning himself.

She laughed, playfully hitting him "Yea, when you were not busy in detention."

Slowly they stopped laughing and moved closer together. When their lips touched, Harry felt his whole busy warm up. Honestly it was better than butterbeer. This was the first real kiss they shared since the war ended. They had no time to think about themselves when everyone around them were falling apart.


Next morning, At breakfast Harry had a plan. He made his way down to the kitchen to find Molly making breakfast.

"Good morning Harry." She said with a smile. "Arthur and Percy just left, would you like some breakfast."

"Let me help." He said, moving forward to toast the bread with his wand.

"Mrs. Weasley." Harry began, slowly. "About Ottery bay, there seems to be more work to be done than I had originally anticipated. I was wondering if you knew anyone who could help me fix things up for me."

"Why don't I have a look to see what we are dealing with, I could help with whatever I can of course." Molly said.
"You should wait a little before moving in, you still need furniture and everything and of course you should stay here until everything is ready." She added.

Harry smiled. This was exactly what he was hoping she would say. With Molly busy with his new house, she might be able to take her mind off the sadness of the war. Now all that was left is George, helping him move on would take longer than everyone else because he spent every waking moment with Fred and it would be very hard to get used to life without Fred.

Ginny and Hermione spend the morning talking to Ron about Ginny getting a chance to tryout for the Holyhead Harpies.

Harry decided to join them after breakfast, he could hear bits of their discussion in progress through the door. He could hear only Ron's voice.

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