Chapter 25 - Taken

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Malfoy was furious.

How dare Slughorn send him a death eater costume for Halloween. How could he possibly wear this, even as a joke?

He picked up the mask and examined it. "It's incredibly detailed, I wonder how Slughorn knows all these details?" He thought.

Deciding he wouldn't wear the costume, Malfoy got dressed in his regular robes and went to find Blaise.

"I'm going to talk to Hermione tonight after dinner. I wonder what she would be dressed as." Malfoy thought dreamily as he walked.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Malfoy said as he bumped into someone. He straightened up and looked at who he bumped into.

Another death eater!

The death eater just looked at him and then walked away without saying anything.

Malfoy tried to clear his head, trying to focus on what to tell Hermione but he was distracted when he spotted another death eater.

"Draco, where is your costume?" Pansy said, walking towards him wearing robes like the weird sisters.

"I guess Slughorn didn't get me one." Malfoy lied. "Did you just see someone dressed as a death eater?" He asked looking around.

"No, I don't think anyone would be dressed as a death eater. Some people think it would be too insensitive." Pansy said rolling her eyes.

"Well, you look nice." Malfoy said glad she Wasn't wearing death eater robes. He didn't think he could handle another day avoiding Pansy and her extreme views.

"Really?" Pansy said, her voice going high and a face split into a huge smile.

"Darling, let's go if we don't want to be late." Nox said from behind her. He was dressed as a vampire and looked a little irritated to see her with Malfoy.

"Yes, coming!" Pansy said, still smiling as she turned to leave, arm in arm with Nox.

Finally Malfoy found Blaise and Daphne. They had been snogging near the fire, both dressed as Thestrals.

Waiting patiently until their lips parted, Malfoy dragged Blaise with him down to the dinner hall.

"Slow down, Daphne said she would join us with her sister." Blaise said.

"Her sister! You think that's a good idea after what happened at Hogsmead?" Malfoy snapped.

"What really happened? She wouldn't say either." Blaise said, looking at his friend in concern.

"Let's just say that we don't get along." Malfoy said dully, stomping towards the great hall.

Blaise followed quietly.

"What was your costume?" Malfoy asked suddenly realising Blaise did now wear his either.

"Same as you." Blaise said softly. They sat in silence. Malfoy looked down the Slytherin table and saw that there were no other students dressed as death eaters.

"Why only us?" He groaned.

By the end of the feast, Slughorn stood up and said. "Halloween wouldn't really be complete without a game of trick or treat!"

Suddenly owls swooped down and landed in front of the students.

"Remember you can only open one box. Once you open the chosen box, the other will vanish." Slughorn continued.

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