Tord Matt again bc im trash

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(40k reads bitch, yeas)

(Also Pirates AU bcus I'm trash again)

Tord glared out at the open sea. He spotted a particularly aggressive patch of waves and shouted at his subordinates to steer them away from it. A large fish jumped out of the water near by. Tord waited for it to jump again. It did, revealing its lavender like color and blurry features. Tord didn't catch much else. He shouted again to 'catch that fish, alive!'

Pat and Pau set to work on readying the net and tank. When they were ready they threw the ropes and bet into the torrent waters and waited. What seemed like hours but was really only fifteen minutes later, Pau shouted, he felt the ropes tug. Pat and Pau lugged up the net, only for Pat to screech and almost drop it at the sight. Tord hurried down off the steering bay and gasped at the sight before him. What seemed to be a young ginger man with a purple tail was thrashing about, stuck in the net. Tord ordered for him to be put in the tank.

Once in, the siren screeched horribly and pounded at the glass. He stopped screeching a minute later and curled himself into a corner. Tord walked closer to the glass and put a hand on it. The siren looked up at him, and Tord saw the bubbles that looked like tears streaming out of his eyes and up to the surface of the water. Tord smiled softly. He called for the siren to be released into the waters again.

The siren seemed to understand this and heaved an underwater sigh of relief. Tord looked at it lazily. The siren said a bubbly 'thank you' before being thrown off the ship into the torrent waters again.

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