ToMatt p.2

678 36 19

(This won the vote, chose between A and C now please)

It had been two days.
Two days since Matt had been out of his room.

Two days since Tom had talked to anyone.

Two days since Matt had made any noise.

Two days since that day.

Two days ago Tom forgot to take his antidepressants.

Two days ago his temper got away from him.

For two days Matt had hidden in his room. The door locked, the windows shuttered.

For two days Tom had been miserable.


Edd softly roused Tom out of his existential state.


"I think you should apologize."

"Why? The little prick-"

Tom caught himself doing it again. Spewing insults for no reason.

"Tom, just- please? For me?"


Tom stood up. He tried to make it look like he didn't want to do this.

He walked down the hall and up the stairs to Matt's door.

Matt was just bandaging the last batch of cuts when a knock affronted his door.

He sighed. He picked up a picture of him and Tom from way back when.

He wanted to cry.

But he wouldn't let himself.

He shouldn't cry. He was the one who made his dad leave. He made his mom kill herself. He made his grandmother dump him on the streets.


Tom's voice was muffled by the door.

Matt looked up at a mirror. He was crying. Pathetic.


Tom's voice came again. It was soft, even, friendly.

Matt couldn't help it. He let out a sob.

Tom heard that sob.

"I- I came to apologize."

Matt bit the pad of his thumb.

"Please open the door Matt- I just want to apologize."

Tom tried the door. Still locked.

"I'm sorry Matt, i let my temper away from me."

He leaned his forehead against the door.

"I'm so so sorry. I am, a bad person. I-i called you all those things, i blamed you for things you couldn't help- and i- i hurt you, more than i ever ever wanted to. I never wanted to hurt you at all."

Tom heard shuffling, shuffling getting closer to the door.

It unlocked and opened.

Matt was standing there. His light grey t-shirt on, sweat pants, and ace bandages all around his arms.

Tom opened his arms for a hug and Matt fell into it.

Matt cried into Tom's shoulder.

"Shh, shh, Matt. It's ok."


"Yeah. It's ok. I love you."

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