Tomattorded x Reader

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You sighed. You checked your watch. 12:30, just on time. You buzzed the door to your cousin Larry's work place. You were greeted by him.

"Hey y/n. You ready?"

"Yeah- what am I doing exactly?"




"That's a long name."

"Yeah well, its four people in one sooo."

"WHAT?! You finally did the fusion?!? Awesome!! Can I seeeee!?!?"

"Well, you are babysitting it. Oh, by the way, two of them REALLY don't like each other."

"Witch two?"

"Tord and Tom."

You nodded your head. Larry led you to a room. Then another. Then up some stairs. You finally entered a testing area. It had a class cage in the middle, containing a bed, toilet, shower, and a odd boy. (See heading picture)


It said. It had I cute British accent.

"Shut up Matt!"

It spat. Norwegian.

"Don't be a dick Tord! He's just trying to be friendly!"

British and American.

"Guys, guys, calm down, your scaring her."

It cleared its throat.

"Hi. I'm Edd. I like in her he same body with Tord, Tom, and Matt."

"Sup. I'm Tom."

It lifted one of its four arms, this one with painted nails and a blue sleeve.


It growled, lifting up the red sleeves arm.

"I'm Matt! Aren't I pretty!"

It lifted up the purple sleeves one and touched its cheek.

"Stop touching my face!"

Tord spat.

"Our face!"

Edd stated.

"Now, feed us!"

It said in unison. You walked to a little fridge and opened it. Inside was a salad with bacon, a drink labeled 'cola-Smirnoff' you grabbed that and pushed it through a spall opening into the cage. It ran over and took a sip.

"Blegh, Tom, why do you make us drink that stuff?"

"Because Matt, it's the only way I stay sane in this cursed body."

You felt a pang of remorse. This poor thing, being in a cage, living in a body it didn't want to, having to drink Smirnoff.

"So, uh, what's your name?"

Tord asked.


"Not very talkative I see? Well, good, cuz we talk a lot!"

"Shut up Matt!"

You giggled. Though it was terrible, it was cute.

"So uh, Y/n... do you have any interests?"

"I like drawing, computers, wine and knives."

It nodded.

"Do you have a relationship?"

It was Tom's voice.


You popped the 'p'.

"As can see, neither are we."

Tom said. Matt and Edd giggled.

"So uh, do you guys like anything?"

"Well, we liked a lot of things before, but now, we can't really do anything."

It shrugged.

"That's terrible! Here, I'll go grab some stuff."

You run out of the room. Soon, you come back in with pens, paper, a rubix cube, and a baseball bat.
Without hesitation, you open the door and take a seat next to them. You set the stuff down.

It looked at you in awe.


You asked.

"Y-you just, came in! Nobody ever comes in!"

Matt squeaked.

You shrugged, grabbing a piece of paper, you started to draw a sunset.

"Ooo, pretty!"

You saw Tords hand playing with the rubix cube, Matt and Edd playing with the ball, and Tom drawing.


You blushed.

Tom cooed. You blushed harder. His hand put down the pen and poked your face. You smiled.

Tord made a vomiting sound.

"You know, we share a mind, I can see that you like her too."

Half of its fave blushed.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

You blushed harder and booped it's nose. Now all of the face was blushing.

"See! See! Told you guys that we'd end up liking something about being fused! Now we can all date her!"

It was Matt. You blushed, and yet, you felt sad fir them.

"Not like we had a choice."

Tord mumbled. A tear slipped out of your eye.

Edds hand reached up and wiped it away.

"Hun, y/n, what's wrong?"

"I-it wasn't con-consented?"

IT nodded its head no. More tears streamed out of your eyes. Your mouth made an 'o' shape. Tom's hand reached up and cupped your face.

"Shh, shh, it's not your fault!"

You leaned to his touch.

"I'm going to get you out of here."

It looked confused. You stood up.

"Fallow me."

You got it out the room, down the stairs, through more rooms, and into the street, all the way to your small apartment.

It smiled.

"Thank you!"

It said in unison. It kissed you.
The next morning, you walked into the kitchen to see four guys arguing about who gets to date you.

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