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Eduardo frowned slightly as he looked over the fence at Edd's house. He'd been so rude to Edd over the past years and wanted to make up for it.

It wasn't like he cared or anything.

He slowly walked around the fence and up to Edd's door.

He knocked.

Edd opened the door.

"What do you want?"

"W-well, if been a complete dick to you for the past two years and I've come to apologize."


"S-so I'm uh- sorry I guess."

"That was, unexpected."

Edd leaned on the doorframe.
He looked Eduardo up and down, seemingly taking it all in.

"So your really sorry?"


Eduardo rocked on his heels and looked down.

"Why don't you come in for a cola?"

Edd stepped aside to let Eduardo in.

"Tom and Matt went to some weirdo super hero rally thing so they aren't home."

Eduardo nodded and stepped inside. He was silently freaked and was probably blushing. It was so warm and welcoming in the house.

"You sit down on the couch. I'll go grab some colas."

Eduardo nodded and sat down on the fluffy couch. It creaked slightly. He looked at the artwork and pictures put up on the walls.

They were all so happy and so fun in the pictures. He wished he had something like that with Mark and Jon.

Edd came back with two colas.

"O hope regular is ok."

"I-its fine, thank you."

"No problem."

Edd sat down on the sofa and opened his cola.

"So uh- why'd you apologize?"

Because I love you.

"Oh I just um- thought I should be nicer. You know- be the bigger person and all that."

"Huh. That's actually pretty awesome."

Edd smiled and Eduardo died inside. He would now live for that smile.

"You know, I think you're a great person when you want to be,"



"Thanks Edd."


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