Lafayette x Reader ~Mon ami~

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Your husband hadn't been the same since he found out his close friend, John Laurens, died. That day burned in the back of your mind.

"Gilbert? There's a letter for you." You said, walking into the parlor where he was.

"For moi? Could you bring it here, mon amor?" He asked. You nodded and took a seat next to him.

"Here, love." You handed him the letter.

As he read it, his face fell with every word, until he had got up, and stormed out of the room.

"Gilbert?" You asked, following him.

"I'm going out for a while. Bonsoir." He gave you a quick kiss, pulling his coat on.

You walked into his office, where he had spent most of his days. If he wasn't there, he was at the bar where he has first met John.

"Gilbert?" He looked up.

"Oh. Bonjour." He mumbled, writing yet another letter to Alexander Hamilton that you'd never deliver.

"Love, come on a walk with me." You asked.

"Non...I've got to get this letter done..." He trailed off.

"Of course you do. I get it. You don't have time for your wife anymore, right? Going to the bar and writing letters that will never be delivered is way more important than me." You snapped.

" Cherie?" He stood up.

"What, Gilbert?" You asked, crying.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, rubbing your arm.

"I miss my husband. I miss the way things used to be, before you pushed me away." You admitted.

"I'm not pushing you away! I just...I need time." He sighed.

You wrapped your arms around his neck. "I know. I get it, love. But let me be here for you. Let me inside your heart."

He gently wrapped his arms around your waist. "I will try."

You smiled. "Thank you."


There was a short crappy chapter

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