Alexander Hamilton x Reader

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This is a thing that I'm going to write.

So, yep.

You rubbed your eyes when you woke up to sun entering the room. The time was 7:32. In the morning, of course. To no surprise, when you rolled over, your boyfriend, Alexander, wasn't there. You got up with a sigh. He, of course, was in his office. Working away.

Every since he got into every advanced class in college he could, he's been locked away for hours. Today was one of those days when you decided to bother him.

"Alexander?" You said, tiptoeing in with two coffee cups. One was set on his desk, the other remained in your hand as you took a sip.

"Ah, thanks love." He said, kissing you on the cheek. You sat in one of the empty chairs.

"Take a break." You said, swiveling in the chair. He laughed at your childness. (A/n: is that a word? Probably not. Ok I'll go away)

"I'll be out in just a minute. I need to finish writing something down." He protests, shuffling papers.

"Please, Alex. Let's go out and do something!" You beg, looking at the time. "Its eight. The zoo ones at nine- let's go to the zoo! Oh my gosh, yes! The zoo!" You exclaim, getting excited.

"I'd love to go, but I have work to do."

You let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. I'll ask Peggy if she wants to go. Wait, she's out of town. Fine, I'll take your friends with me." You threaten, trying to convince him to go.

"John will love the turtles." He responds, looking at you. "Have fun."

You sigh, and get up. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Do you really?

"No! We are seeing the turtles first!" John argued, as you walked in. You rolled your eyes.

"Non! We must see the, how you say, ellapants?" Lafayette struggled.

"Elephants, French fry! See, you can't even pronounce it! That's why we are seeing the turtles first." John said, then crossed his arms.

You rolled your eyes as Hercules was reading a map. Upside down. No one bothered to tell him, because, it was hilarious.

"Both of you shut up! We're not seeing either. Let's just go visit the fucking tigers." You sigh, flipping Hercules' map around.

"Oh, that makes more sense..." he silently whispered to himself.

"Ah, mon ami, what's the matter?" Lafayette asks, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Cursing was unusual for you.

You shook your head.

"N-nothing. Let's go have fun." You plastered on a fake smile.

"Why, hello (y/n)!" A familiar voice said. You looked up from your phone, only to find Thomas Jefferson. You rolled your eyes.

"Hi, Thomas." You said, sending a rescue text.

(Y/N): ok idgaf if you got my ice cream or not come get me
Hercules: yes ma'am
Lafayette: oui
John: yes sir. We got your icecream btw

You smiled at your friends.

"Where's Alexander?" Thomas asks, seeing the three boys approach you.

"Oh, he's busy. Thanks Laf!" You said, as Laf hands you a cone.

"Did you that turtle is another word for chocolate and caramel or some crap? I thought there was gonna be a turtle face on mine..." John said, pouting.

It was around 2 o'clock when you got home. To no surprise, Alexander's office door was still closed. You hoped that letting him turn the extra bedroom in your two-bedroom apartment was a good idea.

"Have you left? Have you eaten?" You asked, walking into his office.

"I had some coffee." Alexander replies, gesturing to the empty cups scattered along his desk.

"Babe, coffee isn't a meal. Let's go get lunch." You bribe, even though you already ate. It helped to ask, though.

"You know what? Lunch sounds excellent." He said, surprising you. "My treat."

Lunch didn't exactly happen. Alexander's car broke down, and now you were waiting for someone.

"I can't believe this is happening. I'm sorry, (y/n)." He apologizes, and you left.

"Don't be, I'm just glad you got out of the house." You say, giving him a kiss.

It was your intention for it to be short, but clearly it wasn't his. You were interrupted by someone tapping on the glass.

"Um, get a room!" John says, causing you to turn red.

Ok yeah, this is not good. Like, this is a crappy chapter. But, it's a chapter. Also....


I would really appreciate if you read it and told me what you think about it....

I would really appreciate if you read it and told me what you think about it

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