Thomas Jefferson x Reader

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Ok bye

Oh yeah it's a modern AU

This was the fifth time your boyfriend has gone to France.

This year.

It annoyed you behind belief. The first time he went this year, you went with him. You had the time of your life. Then, he asked you if you'd like to go the second time, which you did. But then, he asked you a third time. And then a fourth, and now the fifth time.

As much as you loved Thomas, there was always the thought in the back of your mind.

What if he was cheating?

This is what came up when you were talking to your brother, Hercules Mulligan.

"If he is, I will kick his ass so hard he might just go back to France." He said.

"Thanks, I think." You sighed.

"Look, (y/n), I don't think Thomas would cheat on you. He knows better."

You let a smile escape. "I hope."

A week later, Thomas was back in the states.

"How was France?" You asked, holding his hand. He smiled.

"It was great. I wish you would've come, though." He kissed you on the forehead, but you didn't respond. "What's wrong?"

You sighed as you ran your hand through your (h/c) hair.

"You're not cheating on me, are you?" You ask, wincing a bit in anticipation. There's a pause. "Thomas?"

A tear runs down your face as you stop walking. Then another, and another.

"(Y-Y/N)..." he begin.

You stand there. "You have 5 minutes."

"It started the second time you came with me. You left early, and I was missing you, more than words could describe. A-And then this girl came and asked if we could go out to coffee. I didn't think anything of it, I swear! Then one thing led to another, and now..."

"N-Now what, Thomas." Tears were freely flowing now.

"Now I'm a father."

Your world stops. As you try to process what he just said, he's begging you for forgiveness.

"Co-Congratulations." Is all you can mutter out, then you run.

You ended up at Eliza Schuyler's house. She was your best friend, and the one you'd turn to if anything went wrong. Her and Alexander Hamilton were engaged.

"(Y/n)! What a surprise!" She says, pulling you in for a hug.

"Hey. Is Alexander home?" You ask, fidgeting with your hands.

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