Hamilton Family x Reader

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Some background info because if I include all of this in the story, you'll be here forever and ever amen. Ok maybe not forever but a long time.

So....as you may or may not know, Eliza left Alexander for a couple of years after she found out about his affair. Since I'm lazy and didn't do more research, I think that she left Alexander and the kids alone at her marital home for those years. Even if that's not what happened, it happened in this plot. So deal with it. Ok wow that sounded bitchy. ANYWAY, you're one year younger than Phillip, so I think that makes you a year or two older than Angelica (Hamilton)...?Idk. Anyways, you kind of took over the role of the mom since Alexander is NON STOP at work. Ha. Ha. HAHAHAHA. (I'm overtired.) I think that's all I had to say....WAIT NO ITS NOT

So....y'all will hate me...but...Phillip is...19...and you're...18....

Alright enjoy


I got none of this shit right. Just pretend that Eliza left, and only returned when Phillip had gotten shot in the duel. JUST PRETEND EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE PLEASE

If you're use super duper interested, you can look it up and come yell at me for not being historically accurate. BUT ITS FAN FICTION SO THAT KIND OF MAKES IT OK RIGHT?!?!

"Very good, Elizabeth!" You praised your youngest sister. She had begged that you teach her the piano.

"When will mommy be back?" She asked, out of the blue.

You stiffened, thankful that you two were the only ones in the parlor.
"I-I told you, Betsy. It's been three years. I don't think she'll ever be back." You sighed, pulling her in for a hug. You rubbed her back.

"But I miss her."

"I know. Come along, help me with dinner. You can get Angelica, too." You said.p, helping her off the bench.

She ran off to fetch your oldest youngest sister. Phillip was waiting outside of the parlor. He stopped you before you could go to the kitchen.

"I heard what Elizabeth asked." He said, crossing his arms. You looked down. A tear ran down your cheek, thinking about your mother.

Why did your father ruin your lives?

"Oh, ok. Well, I need to start making dinner." You said, looking up at him. Then, you started to cry. He extended his arms, and pulled you in for a hug. It had been a while since you broke down. The two of you sat on the floor.

"You need to stop, (y/n)." He said, petting your hair. (Hi it's me again so yeah that's not supposed to sound creepy but it does ok bye).

"I can't, Phillip! Mom would want me to take care of things around here. It's not like dad can do it! He's never home." You sob into his chest.

"Pa's not here because he's afraid, (y/n). He's afraid he'll mess up with us, and that we'll leave him." He tries to comfort you, but to no avail. "You need to let him take care of us. You've been doing this for three years."

"Phillip, I miss mommy." You said, finally giving in.

"I do too."

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