Alexander Hamilton x |sister| Reader (pt 3)

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I may not live to see our glory...

You were visiting with Eliza and Alexander. Philip was attempting to learn how to walk. You were siting on your knees, and holding his tiny hand.

"Alexander, (y/n).?" Eliza said, entering the room. You looked up, as did your brother. "There's a letter for the both of you."

Alex smiled. "It's from John Laurens. I'll read it later."

"I'll read it now." You said, standing up.

But I will gladly join the fight...

"No," Eliza said, shaking her head. She handed you the letter, and picked up Philip. "It's from his father."

Your stomach churned as you handed the letter back to Eliza.

"His father?" Alexander asked, standing up.

And when our children tell our story...

"Will you read it?" He asked.

They'll tell the story of tonight...

Eliza handed you Philip. With shaky arms, you took the little boy. You gave him a kiss on the cheek, and that caused him to giggle. The sound of a letter being opened was the only sound in the room.

With a deep breath, Eliza began.

"On Tuesday the 27th, my son was killed in a gunfire against British troops retreating from South Carolina."

Your stomach dropped as tears sprang to your eyes. Quickly, you wiped your eyes. Eliza was sniffing a little, and your brother just stood there.

"The war was already over. As you know, John dreamed of emancipating and recruiting 3,000 men for the first all-black military regiment. His dream of freedom for these men dies with him."

Tomorrow there'll be more of us...

The room was filled with silence. You had sat down in a chair at some point, and was silently crying. Alexander was on the verge of tears, and Eliza was also crying.

"(Y/n), Alexander. Are you alright?" She asked.

"I don't know," Is all you said. Eliza embraced you in a hug, as you sobbed into her shoulder.

"I have so much work to do..." Alexander said, walking off.

Telling the story of tonight...


Ok so that was like a filler chapter kind of thing. Idk. So, I know there's not a Telling the story of tonight..., but I figured I'd throw it in.

Peace motherduckers ✌🏻

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