Training Begins

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Raina's POV.

The next day Raina and woke up at there campsite. Raina and Luke each had there own tents. Raina got dressed and walked out. She saw Luke sitting at a fire and cooking something. Raina walked over. "Hey." He smiled. "Hi. How did you sleep?" He asked. "Pretty good. Thank you by the way for fixing me up." She said, sitting down on the log beside Luke.

"No problem. So I guess this ends the whole Master, padawan thing." He said. She nodded. "Yeah. I guess so." They sat there in awkward silence. "You were a great teacher Luke. Really. I couldn't have done it without you." She told him. He smiled shyly. "Thanks. And you were a great student." He smiled. His eyes piercing hers.

"Luke I-" She started, but stopped. "What?" He asked. "I just wanted to tell you that...your my best friend. And...I love you." She said. She had to tell him, even if he wouldn't understand what she meant, exactly. He smiled. "I love you too." He answered looking into her eyes. She felt sadness washed over her. He had just said the only three words she had ever wanted him to say, but they didn't mean what she had wanted them to. She sighed and turned away, putting on a fake smile.

"Ready are you to begin your training?" Yoda asked. Luke and Raina turned towards him. "Yes Master Yoda. We're ready." Luke answered. "Come. Much to do, we have." He told them. They looked at one another and followed their new master.

Yoda took Raina and Luke to the lake. "Start with training your mind and body first, we will." Yoda told them. "Go first young Skywalker will." Yoda pointed. "On your back I will ride. That way, train you while you run, I can." He told him.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "While I run?" He asked. "It's done to strengthen your endurance and your reaction time. It also strengthens your mind." Raina explained. This was the first thing she ever did for training with her first Master. Of course her master had just run with her. Yoda nodded to her in approval.

Luke took off his shirt leaving a green undershirt on underneath. He put Yoda on his back and the two took off into the forest. Raina went ahead to where they were going to stop. She sat on a log, waiting for them to arrive.

As she sat there she began to remember something Yoda had said. Her emotions were too strong. Had he been referring to her emotions for Luke? She honestly didn't understand what was so bad about attachments. She had never questioned it before, but now that she had developed feelings for someone, she couldn't see anything really terrible about it.

She tried to find a reason not to become attached, but there were none. He was no longer her master and she was no longer his padawan. They were back to being just friends. Raina knew that Luke felt the same way at least little bit, or he wouldn't have tried to kiss her.

She thought back to when she had stopped him from kissing her. He had been so sweet and kind. She wanted to kiss him, but felt guilty for it. So instead of embracing it, she looked away. She regretted her decision now, terribly. Maybe if she would have kissed him things wouldn't be so complicated and awkward. Then she remembered when she had out of context told Luke she loved him. She sighed. Maybe she should have just told him the truth.

Raina heard footsteps coming closer. She looked up to see Luke arriving with Yoda. "If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice." Master Yoda told Luke. "Is the dark side stronger?" He asked Master Yoda. Raina knew it wasn't. It couldn't be. " Quicker, easier, more seductive." He told Luke.

"But how am I to know the good side from the bad?" Luke asked curiously. "You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." Yoda told Luke. Raina smiled. Asoka had told her the same thing. "But tell me why I can't..." Luke pushed Yoda. "No, no, there is no why. Nothing more will I teach you today. Clear your mind of questions." Yoda instructed. Luke nodded wearily. He took his backpack off that Yoda was in. Yoda got out and stood up.

Luke breathed heavily. Raina eyed him, but saw Yoda observing her. She quickly looked away from Luke. Luke saw Raina sitting there and smiled at her. She gave a shy smile. He went over to a near by tree branch and took his shirt off of it. He began to put it back on. Raina again couldn't tear her eyes away from him. He was so attractive.

Just then Luke froze and looked into the woods. "There's something not right here." He said, his voice shaking. Raina looked strangely at the place where he was looking. There was a black dead tree, it's roots surrounded by water. The rest of the forest in that direction looked just as dead.

Raina stood up and walked over next to Luke. Her spine tingled and the hairs on her arm stood up. Luke was right. Something was very very wrong. She could feel it. The darkness. "I feel it too." Raina agreed. "I feel cold." Luke said. Yoda looked down. "And...death." Raina added. Yoda pointed to it with his stick. "That place...strong with the dark side of the Force, it is. A domain of evil....In you must go." He told them.

Luke and Raina both looked at one another. She could see fear and confusion in Luke's eyes. She felt the same. "What's in there?" Luke asked. "Only what you take with you." Their Master answered. Luke began to strap on his lightsaber, belt. Raina secured hers as well.

"Your will not need them." Yoda said. Raina and Luke both looked at the tree and then at one-another. They shook their heads. 'No.' Yoda shrugged. The two started into the forest. Raina wondered what they would find.

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