Nicholas and Cassandra Meridian

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I sit on the branch where I used to spy on Gwen and her sister, Alice. The soon-to-be-Alpha, Antoine Green and the Alpha are discussing about something in the Alpha’s office. Beta Goldsmith, Gwen’s mother, is reading a bedtime story to Alice. Gwen went out with Nate earlier. I circle around the territory to see that everything is normal.

No rogues sneaking up towards them.

I sigh softly. These rogues are such a nuisance. First, they nearly kidnapped Gwen, then they put all kinds of substances into Cassie and changed her and finally, they are causing trouble to HQ.

Without HQ, it is so difficult to handle this problem ourselves. At the bright side, HQ won’t know that Nate and I adopt a werewolf. We put our lives on the line because I had a gut feeling about her.

I feel guilty now. If HQ finds out, Director would be so disappointed at us. I might not even be a HQ agent after all.

I jerk back at that very thought.

Look at what I had done! I might never achieve my dream! I might never be the person who I always wanted to be.

Tears unwillingly ski down my face. All these years of hunting have gone to waste! It’s all because I revealed the hunter world to Cassie. Why was I so dumb?!

I quickly wipe those tears away and sigh sadly. It is my fault. Now I have to face the consequences.

What fears me is Cassie and Nate might also pay for what I have done. I will never forgive myself if Director or anyone from HQ will attempt to kill any of them.

“Goodnight, my little wolf,” Beta Goldsmith tells Alice, kissing her forehead.

I smile at the interaction. I still remembered the time mum and dad were still around. They would tuck Nate and I in our beds and tell us stories about how they met, without involving werewolves or hunters. My mum’s name was Cassandra Meridian and my dad’s name was Nicholas Meridian. Yes, Nate’s future son is named after his grandfather. I have no idea how did Nate and Gwen come up with the name Victoria for my niece but I hope that I will find out soon.

Anyway, the truth is, my dad has been hunting werewolves ever since my grandfather handed him a knife. Dad has been the best hunter in the family. When he was twenty, he was wandering in the woods alone, looking for a rogue that has recently killed two werewolves and three humans, he found my mum. She was shaking like a leaf. My dad brought her to his small cottage and cleaned her wounds. It took him weeks until mum started talking to him. She told him that a werewolf has killed her family and played with her as if she was some sort of toy.

Driven by rage, my dad found the rogue and killed it. Dad taught mum ways to kill werewolves ever since that day. They fell in love no longer after.

A few months after they got married, my dad proposed to my mum that he wants him and mum to be HQ agents. That way, they can still communicate. After all, if you get married to someone who is also a HQ agent, it is acceptable. They never told us anything, their fellow HQ agents told us after their deaths.

Dad sent a letter to the Director at that time in request to still communicate with Nate and I which he approved of.

“Goodnight, mummy,” Alice says back sleepily before falling deep to sleep.

Beta Goldsmith smiles down at her daughter.

I feel something on my shoulder and I turn to see Hazard.

“Hey, Hazard,” I say, patting him on the head.

He nuzzles me with his beak, making me giggle.

Beta Goldsmith’s head snap towards my direction. I groan inwardly. Oh God, not again. On top of all that, the Alpha and his son also heard me.

The three of them runs out of the house, into the woods as the shed into their wolf form.

Can my life get anymore worse?!

It is a good thing that my hunter attire is black. They can’t see me at all, but I have to be extremely careful.

The three werewolves circle a tree nearby, looking up. At least they are smart enough to know that the sounds came from above; not bottom. One of the wolves growl out loud, snapping towards the opposite direction and takes off. The other two wolves puzzle over the soon-to-be-Alpha’s behavior and follow him.

Out of curiosity, I follow them, jumping from tree to tree like a ninja. There are sounds of someone familiar crying, followed by a slap.

The Beta, Alpha and the soon-to-be-Alpha growls simultaneously. Blood rush down my face as I pale, recognizing who is in trouble.


“Don’t you dare take a step closer, mutts!” someone threatens.

I move to have a closer look. A vampire has his fangs close to Emma’s neck and two other vampires hiss at the werewolves. The soon-to-be-Alpha, Antoine is looking like he is going to rip the vampire into pieces for harming his mate.

I can see that the three werewolves are stunned to see vampires. After all, they didn’t even know that vampires exist.

“Crap,” I say, gaining the vampires’, werewolves’ and Emma’s attention.


Author's Note

So what do you think of this update? I put in Nate's and Mel's late parents! Anyway, I just would like to inform you of the Malaysian plane that disappeared four days ago on its way to Beijing, China. May God give the strength to those related to whoever is on that plane. #prayforMH370





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