Idiot! Soul x Maka

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'Soul, you're such an idiot.' Maka thought, tears blurring her vision.

'No matter how upset you make me, I could never hate you,' she though sadly.

Maka wasn't in the best situation at the moment. She stood on the rooftop of the academy crying. To make matters worse, it was raining and the thunder was roaring. Maka was terrified of thunder, and she wished she was indoors. But she had to run out.

*Flashback to a few hours ago*

'Where is he?' Maka thought, looking out her window. Soul had gone out for a date with some girl. It was almost midnight.

Suddenly, Maka heard the door open then close. She ran to the living room and saw Soul. He noticed she came into the room, and gave her a nod as a greeting.

"Where were you?" She yelled at him. "It's almost midnight! You couldn't have called, saying you would be out late?"

Soul rolled his eyes at his meister. "Seriously? You're not my mother, Maka. If I want to be out late, then I will!" He snapped.

"What does it matter anyways? I was just out on a date with some girl."

"Some girl?! Why is it that every girl you go out with is some slutty piece of shit?!" Maka argued, glaring at him.

"Well at least I can get a date! All you do is stay at home reading! No one would even want to go out with you in the first place, you're so violent and annoying! Don't get mad at me because I'm out while you're staying in!" Soul yelled back at her.

"Besides, you're always depressed about everything! You're always so down all the time that it pisses me off! Why don't you just go out once in a while and have a little fun?"

Maka looked at the floor with a sad expression in her face.


"You're scared? Is that it?" He questioned. "You're just scared because your father, isn't it? You're scared to go out and find a guy because you don't want to get hurt by a guy like your father!

"Well, news flash, Maka, not ALL guys are like that!"

Maka froze, stunned at what Soul said to her. Did he really mean all of that?

Maka turned and grabbed her jacket, then ran past Soul out the door before Soul could grab her.

"Maka! Get back here!" Soul called behind her. The girl only ignored him, and kept on running.

*End of Flashback*

'How can I love such an asshole like him anyways?' The meister thought. 'Why did he have to hurt me like that?'

Maka took a step closer to the ledge.

'One jump, and everything is over. I could escape all this pain and misery. My parents are divorced, my friends are happy... I can't even get the guy I love to like me back. Maybe everything would be better if I was just gone.'

She took a step closer to the ledge.

"How could you?! How could you hurt me so bad? Every time I think I might have the slightest chance with you, you shoot me down!" She yelled.

'I thought, maybe you would like me back.'

*Flashback to last week*

Maka was in her room at her desk studying like always. She wanted to do well on a test next week, so she was trying to be prepared. What she didn't realize was she's been studying the past five hours without a break or snack.

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