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The past three weeks had been so busy neither Rosie or Harry had time to spare. Rosie was working all hours of the day during the week, she had classes to teach, prepare and meetings to attend. The Headteacher had put her under pressure to see how hard she'd work, how much she could handle and she had impressed her to no end.

Weekends for Rosie weren't really breaks, Saturdays she spent trying to fit everyone in; Harry, Bella, her mum. And sundays were full of her sat at her desk surrounded by papers, her laptop and lots of coffees.

For Harry, the weekends were boring without Rosie so he either went to the office or worked at home.

Tonight, it was Bella's birthday party and it would be the first time Rosie will have let her her hair down and had fun since the holiday with Harry. She had made a promise to herself that she would turn off her laptop the minute school ended for the day and not return to it until Sunday.

She was also very excited to see Harry, she had asked him to come with her to the party so he could meet her friends seeing as he hadn't had the chance to yet. Harry was a little unsure at first, he was a social butterfly in circles he knew, but felt awkward going into situations where he knew no one. Rosie had promised he'd be fine and that her friends would welcome him in no problem.

She smiled, kissing Harry the second she saw him. He was stood talking to Sairah in the kitchen about changing the kitchen design. Sairah didn't want him to, but Harry had grown tired of the marble tops.

"You okay? Good day?"

Rosie took off her jacket and shoes, putting them on the side and sitting at his counter top. Sairah quickly moved her stuff for her, making Rosie feel bad instantly. She tried to protest but Sairah brushed her off with a smile telling her it's what she's here for.

"Long day but that's only because I'm excited for tonight,"

Harry smiled at her, he liked seeing her excited and happy.

"I've still got my stuff in the car so I need to pop out at some point to get them."

Harry waved it off. "I'll do that, I actually have a little surprise for you."

Rosie was intrigued. "A surprise?"

He stood up, taking her hand and guiding her out to the hallway. "Go up to my room and you'll see, give me your car keys and I'll get your bags."

She kissed him as she handed him the keys. "Thank you baby,"

Heading up to his room she didn't really know what she was supposed to be expecting, she pushed his door slowly, walking in cautiously as if something would jump out on her. On his bed there lay a beige box. Christian Louboutin smoothly written in silver.

"No," She whispered undoing the bow slowly.

Taking off the lid she gasped opening the tissue paper to a pair of patent nude heels. They were beautiful. They had also been saved in her camera roll for the past few months, every so often she would check to see if they had been reduced at all, with them being so popular they never were lowered in price.

Taking the white note from them she read it, holding it like it was made of gold or the most delicate material in the world.


Harry told me how hard you work, so naturally I had to gift these to  you. I'm sure you'll look beautiful in these. Work hard, play harder.

All my love,

Christian Louboutin.

Rosie thought she was in a dream, this couldn't be real. She couldn't be holding her own pair of louboutins, the actual owner can't have written this note to her. She was waiting for someone to pinch her.

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