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Harry didn't get any time to enjoy his trip in New York. During the day it was paperwork, meetings and contracts. In the evening it was dinner with potential new clients and execs.

He had found time each day or night to FaceTime with Rosie, he was exhausted from the long days but he still wanted to speak with her and see her, she was mindful that he was tired but he always told her he wanted to hear about her day.

It was his final night in New York, he was flying back to London in the morning and he couldn't wait - mainly so he could see Rosie.

He had everything packed, room service on its way and he was ready to chill before tomorrow.

When he heard a knock on the door to his suite he was a little surprised that the room service was here already, it had barely been ten minutes since he ordered it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He spat watching as Vanessa walked in.

She rolled her eyes, turning around to cross her arms. "Is she here?"

"What are you doing here? And how do you know I'm here?"

"I work for Colombia now, we're here for the same things. And you always stay in this suite when you're in New York." She picked at her nails as if bored from the conversation and ready for it to be over.

"But why are you here.. In my room?"

"To talk," She shrugged sitting on his sofa.

"I can guarantee you, there is nothing I want to speak to you about."


"Yes, really."

"So is she here?"

"Why is that any of your business?"

"I'm guessing by the single packed suitcase she isn't," Vanessa smirked pointing her heel towards the door.

"She stayed home for work. Can you go now? I have to eat, and do things."

"Do you love her?" Vanessa asked as he headed for the bathroom to check he'd packed everything, her words stopped him in his tracks.

"What is it to you?" He asked, turning around.

"Well? You're avoiding the question."

"I'm avoiding you altogether."

"But do you love her?"

"It is really none of your business whether or not I love my girlfriend, especially when you are not my girlfriend."

Vanessa stood up, slowly making her way over to Harry. "Yet, you still never answer with a simple yes or no."

"Because I don't answer to you,"

"Any other boyfriend would reply as if it was second nature but you.."

"What do you want Vanessa?" He sighed getting frustrated.

"For you to just admit that you aren't happy, you're forcing this.. Whatever you want to call it with her."

Harry frowned. "You think I'm faking being in a relationship?"

Vanessa shrugged. "Who knows, who knows the real Harry Styles?"

"She does," Harry bit back. "Rosie knows me, better than you ever did."

Vanessa felt a blow to the chest with his comments.

She had loved Harry, very much. She still did and she was scared that he'd ruined her from ever loving again. She wasn't sure if she'd ever get over him.

She took his hand in hers and pulled him closer. "You don't love her. It's in your head, you love me. You always have, remember? We always come back to one another."

Harry pulled away. "Not this time Vanessa, just you. You're the one running to me, but I don't want you. I don't love you Vanessa. It's been over for months now, you and I both know that."

"She isn't worthy of you."

Harry walked to his door to open it. "She's worth more to me than you could ever dream of. Goodnight Vanessa,"

He waited for her to walk over to his door, he felt the tiniest feeling of guilt as he watched her solemn face but sometimes it was only fair to be harsh. That way there would be no complications.

"She will never love you even a quarter of what I loved you."

"That's for me to determine, good night Vanessa."

She walked out and he slammed his door, sighing as he heard his phone ring out for a FaceTime call with Rosie. He was going to have to tell her about Vanessa coming over, but how?

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