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           When Harry woke the next day, he was disappointed to find he was alone. It almost felt like last night was made up, like he had dreamt it all happening. But the piece of paper on the pillow where she once lay reminded him that it did in fact happen.

Had to get the train home, I had work to do. Last night was fun. Call me.

Rosie x

She had left him her number and he couldn't help but smile as he typed it in. He didn't know what she did for a living, the conversation never came up. He felt a little bad for not asking.

"I could have gotten you a car home," Was the first thing Harry said when Rosie answered the call.

She was tired. She'd caught the 7:30am train home to make sure she had a whole day to work. They didn't fall asleep until gone four. It was not even eleven and she was already ready for her bed.

"Hello to you too," She laughed, taking up her pen and doodling on her notepad. "Just woke up?"

"Yeah and I'm annoyed you're not here."

Rosie rolled her eyes. "One moment," With that she ended the call and Harry stared dumbfounded at the phone for a few seconds before it rang out with a FaceTime call.

She didn't look her best, she had her hair in a bun with only mascara and concealer on as makeup.

"Hi again," He smiled wider once he saw her face.

"Hey," She rested her phone against her laptop screen so she could continue marking. "Feel like I'm there now?"

"No but it'll do,"

She rolled her eyes and he laughed at how cute she looked. She looked slightly different to last night, she had less makeup on. She looked younger and he realised that he much preferred how she looked now in her comfy clothes and little makeup.

"What are you doing with your day?" She asked as she wrote something.

"Nothing it's Sunday, I'll go home and watch tv probably. What about you?"

"Just work," She picks up her tea mug and takes a sip.

"What do you do? I never asked you, sorry."

"Don't apologise, it never came up. And I never asked you either. I'm a teacher. I teach Year five - eight and nine year olds."

"Wow, and do you enjoy doing it?"

"I wouldn't do it if I didn't." She laughs sipping some more of her tea.

"I think children are hard,"

"They're not. It's how you handle them."

"My sister has a son whose five, he's cute but sometimes I wonder how she does it."

Rosie smiled. It made her heart melt to think about Harry with a child.

"So what are you doing tonight?" He asks turning on his side.

"Probably still sorting through papers, prepping for tomorrow. Why?"

"I'd like to take you out for dinner,"

Rosie looked down to hide her blush. "But you saw me less than twelve hours ago,"

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