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 A/N Sorry i havent uploaded in a while, i have been busy with school, plus a tournament in Decatur this weekend. Hope you like it! VFC!

            At first, everyone was silent. It wasn’t one of those what-are-we-going-to-do-now silences, it was one of those creepy-eye-contact-agreement silences. When I found that I couldn’t take any more silence, all hell broke loose.

Niall’s POV

            Everyone started freaking out at the same time after Elise announced that we were dating. Alexa and Lauren were squealing at the same time, which was quite deafening, and the boys were clapping me on the back and congratulating me. I could tell that all of the commotion was bothering Elise, so I pulled her closer to me and wrapped both of my arms around her.

            “Hey!” she yelled to end the commotion, “Yes, Niall and I are dating. Yes, this happened today. No, you did not have to act all surprised when I told you. Now, can we watch Titanic and finish movie night because I am very tired.” We all agreed and put in Titanic.

            Lauren and Alexa started off sitting on the floor eating out of separate tubs of ice cream, Elise and I were sharing a bag of popcorn, Harry and Louis were fighting over the last bag of crisps, and Liam and Zayn were playing on their phones. By the time the ship hit the iceberg, Lauren was in Harry’s lap while Alexa and Louis were whispering in the armchair. Elise was snuggled into my chest, intently keeping along with the film.

            “SO GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT OF MY HEAD, AND FALL INTO MY ARMS INSTEAD, I DON’T I DON’T DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS, BUT I NEED THAT ONE THING, YOU’VE GOT THAT ONE THING” started playing as Lauren answered her phone. After nodding a couple of times, her and Alexa left. When they left, Elise stood up and stretched.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked when she turned off the TV, she turned around and had tears streaming down her face. I hopped up and rushed over to see what was the matter.

            “What?” she asked confusingly, “Oh, I always cry at the end of this movie, it’s no big deal.” After a slight nod, the lads and I helped clean up the mess.

            “No more big movie nights for a while!” Liam flopped on the couch when the mess was cleaned.

            “I second that.” Zayn added.

            “Fine, y’all do whatever you want. I’m going to bed, night guys.” She said while walking up the stairs. We responded and hung out in the living room for a bit.

            “So,” Louis said, breaking the silence, “our little Niall has a girlfriend!”

            “And an amazing one at that.” Zayn muttered

            “Thanks lads.” I smiled, “I really do like her.”

            “So do we, now lets all get some sleep. Night lads.” Liam said while trudging up the stairs. Soon after I followed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Elise’s POV

            “Why are we doing this?”

            “We’re going to wake her up!”

            “Yeah, but she looks so peaceful, all scrunched up in the covers like that!”

            “It’s 10:30 and she needs to get up!”

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