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Warning: Spooky scares ahead. Also, slightly longer chapter Cause Apparently I like to write crappy horror.
------------------------------ While you slept, you hear footsteps quickly running behind the fort. You sit up and look around. Bendy is gone, the fort has been knocked completely down, and all your stuff except the Sleeping bag and stuff animal have been taken!

"Bendy? What's happening? Bendy?!" You quickly stand, the sound of laughter can be heard in another room. You follow it slowly, clutching the toy tighter. "B-bendy?..." You whimper, the laughter is coming from the basement. "...Nope" You say and walk away.

From every horror movie ever, going into a basement following laughter is the worst idea ever. About 10 minutes pass of you wandering, you see Boris facing the wall, reading a poster on the board. "Hey Boris, have you seen Bendy around?"

Boris doesn't reply, just lowers his head. You walk closer to him. "Boris?... You okay?" You put your hand on his shoulder, when his whole body falls backwards like it's made of stone. His frozen body hits the floor. His chest has been ripped open, all his organs and bones in his ribcage have been removed. All that is left is a bloody mess.

You scream and jump backwards. "BORIS!!!! BENDY I NEED YOU!" You begin sobbing loudly. Running out of the room. As you're running, you can hear loud footprints behind you. As you turn to see who it is, it's Boris, chasing you. Jaw hanging open, eyes are scratched out, overalls are covered in blood.

He growls loudly as he runs faster, you scream again and run as fast as possible. You find yourself at the foot of the stairs. Having no choice but to run down them. "BENDY!!!!!" You cry out hearing Boris' footprints fade away behind you.

Finally, you can stop running. Out of breath, you keep your eyes tightly shut and cry into the stuff toy. Weakly walking further, you feel something wet below your feet. "Oh no..." You think to yourself, looking down... For you have stepped into a bad ink puddle.

It ripples, loud groaning and morphing into a drippy, inky, creature. It grabs your leg and attempts to pull you down. You kick it in the jaw and run away, barely escaping the other ink zombies that have awoken.

"BBBBEEEENNNNDDDDYYYY!!!!" You cry out again, eventually reaching​ the theater room. Bendy is seen in the center of the room, sitting on the floor, playing with the doll you made him couple days ago.

Eyes full of tears, you run to him. Falling to your knees in front of him and sob profusely. He looks up, face covered in ink. His award winning smile is all that can be seen. He screeches, and everything you see goes dim. Only silence,and only darkness is left.

How To Love: Bendy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now