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Sorry I didn't upload yesterday. Had writer's block. So if anybody has any ideas, let me know. *Hint hint* Long chapter to make it up.

You froze up, your warm breath against his cold ink gave a weird feeling to you. A small part of you wanted to pull away, the other part was screaming to stay lip locked with him. But he eventually, let your head go and pulled away. You're both left in a blushy mess.

Bendy is the first to speak. "Um... that was... nice." "Yeah... it was." Bendy stands up, he grabs the doll and looks at the machine. "So... what does that make us now?" You stand up as well, nervously rubbing back of your neck. "Are... are we like... dating now or something?"

Bendy stares at the ground. "I guess so." You both stare at each other for an unsettling amount of time before you finally break the silence. "We should um... go and... tell uh... Boris now." He nods and both of ya leave the room.

"Boris!?" Bendy yells out. There's no response. "Boris where you at?!" You can faintly hear Boris' voice on the other side of the building. "Basement!" He calls out. You raise an eyebrow. "Didn't know this place had a basement." Bendy smirks. "Neither did Boris till yesterday, leggo find him." He grabs your hand, pulling you to the staircase.

As you both go down the steps, the air gets colder, damper, and slightly tenser the further you went. "How did Boris not know about this place?" You ask, Bendy looks up at you. "Same reason you didn't know about this place." "But he like... lives here. That's like not knowing you had a bathroom in the house you've lived in since childhood." Bendy smiles "He's just the absolute least observent person to ever exist. It took him a week to find out I was a supposed to be a demon."

You seemed slightly shocked by this. "You're a cartoon demon?... Weren't you like... made for kids though?" Bendy let's your hand go. "Yeah I'm a cartoon demon made for kids. Got a problem with it?" "No no no no no! I just, I dunno, figured you were a cat or something."

Bendy softly shakes his head in a playful manner. "If Joey and Henry made me a cat, my life would have been so much different. Not to mention better." "How so?" "Well Joey-" He pauses, trying to carefully plan out his words.

"It's kinda... hard to talk about. I'll just leave it at 'Joey was very... VERY attached to me.' So me being a demon thing would've saved everyone a heck of a lot of trouble."

He quickly goes back to walking, you, feeling slightly concerned, follow him. "Man... this place is huge. How does anybody find anything in here?" Bendy enters the theater room. "There's a lot of people that worked here. I could never count how many, but there was a ton of people constantly coming and going."

Aaannnddd, I'm bone dry. Please help for the story to continue!!!

How To Love: Bendy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now