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A half hour passes, you've wrapped Bendy in a dusty, old blanket you found in a closet. Carrying him to the ink machine room and set him down. "This machine is really warm." Bendy nods in agreement.

"I always sleep curled up by it. it's the only thing that doesn't let me freeze. My body is made of cold ink. So, naturally, I wanna be around warm things." You smile, cradling him and kiss his forehead. Blush spreads over his face quickly. You giggle "Ya feeling better?"

He nods, burying face into your shoulder. Picking at the blanket slightly, he stares at it. "I wish I didn't get ink on everything I touch. This blanket will be ruined soon." "I can wash it." "I'm pretty sure this stuff doesn't wash out." "It'll probably just stain it. I'm sure it'll stay soft though." "...Okay"

Unsure how to help, you lift Bendy's face and kiss him. He kisses back, smiling softly. Pulling away, you whisper to him, "I want my happy little ink baby back. Where'd he go?" Bendy looks back down. "It went to the underground in the ring of fire." "Oh come on... smile for me?" Bendy pouts.

Determined to make him happy, you slowly slide your hand in the blanket. "Just a little smile?" "I don't wanna." "Fine, but beware." "Of?" "THE TICKLE MONSTER!" You pounce Bendy and tickle his sides. He explodes with laughter and flails his limbs.

"(Y/N) THAT T-TICKLES!" "THAT'S THE POINT SILLY!" "I-I'M GONNA INK MYSELF! STOP!" "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS BUT NO!" You continue to tickle where his ribs would be, moving down to his lower stomach. Unfortunately, when he said he'd ink himself, he meant it.

Ink leaked out of his lower body into a fairly good sized puddle on the floor. You stop tickling him and stare. "...You weren't kidding." You Pull the blanket away before it got too wet from ink. Bendy is left sitting in his own ink puddle.

He looks up at you, dark grey oval spread over his face. He quickly stands and awkwardly crosses his legs. "I-I told you..." He hides his face in his hands and keeps legs locked together. You smirk at him. "Well on that... almost gross note, I should be getting home."

Bendy looks up, his face shows nothing but sadness and embarrassment. "Um... (Y/N)... can I ask you something?" "Sure honey, what is it?" "Um... would it be okay if you... spent the night tomorrow?" Your face goes slightly red. "Sure Benders... I'll swing by tomorrow afternoon so I can eat and get stuff sorted out. I'll see you soon babe."

You kiss him softly and leave. The second you exit the building you nearly scream and hop up and down excidedly, then running all the way home.

How To Love: Bendy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now