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I couldn't think of a name for this one so eh. It sounds decent enough. Also, hope you like the song I literally just made up on the fly.
You silently leave the room, feather still locked in your hand. You look at the floor, then at the feather. "What were they talking about? What could the boys POSSIBLY do to me?" As you walk back up the steps, Boris can be seen running past it.

Once you're at the top, Bendy greets you. He looks down nervously, rocking back and forth on his feet. "Hi um...(Y/n)..." "...Hello Bendy." "Um... (Y/n), can I talk to you in private please?" "Sure sweetie." Bendy grabs your hand and pulls you to the section of the fort he isolated for ya. He Crawls inside, then sits on the floor. You sit next to him.

He goes to speak, but notices the feather in your free hand. "... Where'd you get that?" "Get what? This?" You hold up the feather. Bendy nods quickly. "Yeah, where'd you get it?" Bendy takes the feather from you and stares at it.

Your nose twitches slightly, and you pick up a coloring book. "I found it downstairs, I was lured by this... beautiful voice. Sounded like an angel-" Bendy interupted you. "A-angel? Sounded like an angel?" You nod, Bendy trembles slightly. "Baby? Bendy you okay?" You ask him. Bendy doesn't reply, he just quickly dashes out of the fort.

Unsure if you should follow or not, you awkwardly shuffle your body. "Bendy?! What's happening?!" You're  left with silence, crawling out of the fort, you can see his footprints slightly smeared onto the floor. It's obvious he was running at full speed.

You grab your stuffed animal, and walk around the building. "Bendy? Boris?" Your voice echoes slightly. As you continue to wander, you can hear the singing again. Just as beautiful and luring as before.

"Spring time... lambs run and play. Spring time... Birth starts today. Summer rolls around, the children all sing. Then Autumn​ falls, an angel sings. For her wings were taken, she must start a new, but she can not fly, and so she meets her doom."

How To Love: Bendy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now