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It's dark, cold, and slightly drizzly outside. You walk up to an old, abandoned building and stare at the boarded up walls and windows. You always had a strange fascination with this building. It had a faded out sign on the front, it's been around long before you, your parents, and possibly your grandparents were born. Something about it made you feel slightly uneasy, yet interested.

Walking up to the building, you noticed the doors lock has been broken, it's rusted away with age, and left the door slightly cracked open. It had some rust ceiling the door shut, but it wouldn't be hard to free it. You gently push on the door, the sound of old metal creaks loudly, echoing throughout the building. You continue to push until the doorway is wide enough to squeeze through.

Closing the door behind you, it's surprisingly bright inside for not having any lighting. Ink splats all over the floor, ceiling, and walls fill the rooms. A slight feeling of sadness can be felt. As you walked slowly inside, the floor creaked below you. "Wonder what this building was used for?..." You think to yourself walking down the hallways.

The walls have a few posters here and there, some of them had a picture of a wolf, others had some... creature... thing, you didn't know what it was supposed to be. A demon?... A cat?... The weirdest looking rabbit ever? Who knows.

After a few minutes of wandering, you hear some footsteps in another room. Sounds like running, but you couldn't find which room it came from. "Hello?" You ask softly. There's no response, the footsteps instantly stop. Slowly, you go back to wandering around.

You then reach a room with a sign called 'The ink machine' on the front. "Ink machine...?" You think to yourself as you enter the room. There's a large machine sitting in the center of the room, dried up black ink splattered everywhere. As you face the machine, you notice 2 small handprints on the side of it. The picture of the devil-cat-thing below it, it didn't have any facial features. Just a black outlining of the creatures head.

You kneeled down and gently and put your hands on the prints. They were not much smaller than yours, but still pretty tiny. The footsteps are heard again. 'Thump thump thump... thump thump thump thump thump... thump thump thump thump thump thump' Comes from the hallway. You spin around, only to find nobody there.

"Alright, enough playing! Who's there!?" You shout into the hall, your voice echoes throughout the building. As you begin walking, you see a trail, a trail of black ink made shoe prints. They appear to be leading into another room.

Following the trail, they lead to a dark room. Pitched black, and cold. You felt unsure if entering would be very smart. "Hel-...hello?.." You manage to whimper out. You finally, hear an answer. A soft, almost sad voice responds.

"The creater... lied to us."

How To Love: Bendy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now