Haunting you to kill you.

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I fell trough the well. The way was really bumpy and I might have some bruises, but that won't stop me. It was early morning because I can see the sun rising. I looked at the first person on the list and went to the address. Turned out to be a snooty, Rich kid. I watched by as he disrespected his parents and cursing at them. I desired to get him when he was in his home theatre alone. I waited patiently behind a curtain to kill him. I watched him as he sat down. The movie started and I waited for the right moment to come out. He seemed to become very tired and was about to fall asleep, so I moved from the curtain and sneaked behind him. I wanted to scare him, so I bent over and reached for his pop corn. He jumped, throwing the popcorn everywhere. I smirked even though he couldn't see it.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, pissed off and almost yelling.

"Your fate has come" I told him. He was about to yell for his guards when I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. "now now, don't want this to get complicated now." I said with a smirk. I pulled out my pocket knife and flicked it open.

I began to sing.

Hush little baby, don't say a word

Mummy's gonna buy you a mocking bird.

And if that mocking bird doesn't sing.

I stabbed him in his chest, then sang in a whisper.

Mummy's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

He muffled his scream under my hand and it grew weak. I twisted the knife in his chest. He let out a muffled yelp and faded out. I checked his pulse and breathing. Nothing. I snapped his neck to make sure he won't come back.

I wrote on the wall with his blood.


Next stop was the Bridgette girl. I knew her name sounded familiar. She's the slut of the school. She looked rather sad, sitting at the school lunch table with a guy kissing her neck. I let my Vulcan hearing get the best of me and listened in.

"I mean, Zac was a nice guy, I can't believe he died, and We were gonna fuck the next day" She said in a sad tone. Could she mean my Zac? "ever since this 'Shelby' chick left school, he was sad and desperate and begged me to go out with him, so I did, we had great make outs" she said.

The guy stopped and looked up at her rather pissed. "Hey, Zac is dead, get over it, do you want me to give you a hickey or not?" he said in an angry tone.

She smiled "Oh yes" she said and protruded her neck. She then stopped him when she saw a guy with light brown hair to his shoulders and stunning blue eyes. "hey, look, it's Dustin" she said then smirked. She grabbed her food and started throwing it at him "what's wrong Dustin? why are you so anorexic? eat something." Dustin sighed and sat down and took it. I got mad, Dustin is my friend before I left. I stepped in the way of the food. She screamed and stopped, Dustin turned around and saw me. "Why does it have blood on it's jacket?" She screamed. No one looked because everyone was done with her crap. I glared at her with burning hatred in my eyes. She took Zac from me, That's why he barley came over when I was eight months pregnant, then he stopped completely, for a slut. I'll make her death slow and painful as I laugh through it all, but I have to haunt her first then get her at my last hours of killing. "Ah, Jake, beat it up" She screeched, not wanting to stare at me anymore.

The guy that was kissing her neck that I'm assuming is Jake, lurched at me. I lifted my leg up at the last second and kicked I'm back, making him trip over Bridgette. They fell to the floor and she yelped. They scampered away. I looked over at Dustin. He flinched. I hugged him, since he didn't hug back, I released. I ran off, I had the feeling I would see him again.

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