Leave me Alone

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Masky was stalking me all week, asking if i told anyone, after every class. I of course said no, because i didn't. It's Friday now. After acting class, he came up to me again.

"Did you te-" he started, but I cut him off.

"NO, FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK, NO, I NEVER HAVE, AND I NEVER FUCKING WILL, BECAUSE, I KNOW, SOMEHOW, IT'LL COME BACK TO YOU, AND YOU'LL KILL ME, I'M TRYING NOT TO DIE HERE" I yelled at him. I sighed and calmed down. "why don't you ask at the end of the day at my house so i won't get your fucking lecture at the end of every fucking period." I said.

He sighed. "ok, see you when you get home." He said and walked off.

"who was that?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Zac.

I had to lie to him, but I didnt want to, i had to. "a friend" i said.

He raised an eyebrow. "ok" he said. Yet, i highly doubt he thought it was true, i bet he heard it all. I brushed it off though. "i gotta go to class, see you at lunch" he said as he came up to me and hugged me. He kissed me and left. I felt like shit. I hate lying to my boyfriend, but i had to do it or my life would be on the line.


I opened the door with the key and opened it. "Hello, you're out of cheesecake" i heard. I looked on the recliner.

I sighed. "ugh, masky, why"

"you're gonna need to buy more" he said looking at the TV.

"BUY MORE? I can't buy SHIT, I don't have money, plus, i cant drive without an adult or I'll get pulled over"

"pssh" he said and waved his hand at me and glared at the TV.

I grabbed the remote and turned off the television. "LISTEN TO ME 'Masky'" i said using air quotes to the word masky. "I JUST HAVE ONE QUESTION FOR YOU ..." A pause went on for a minute. I sighed. "why did you do this to me and my family" i said then looked to the floor.

"I didnt choose to kill your family, i was assigned to, but when i saw you, sleeping in that bed like an angel, i couldn't kill you, and i knew if i didnt kill you, another proxy would have to come and kill you" he said. I lifted my head part way, but enough to look at him. "but, i came up with a plan for you not to die, sadly for you, that included the raping you part, and all of your cheese cake." He said seemingly to smile at the last part. "We have to wait about a month though to see if the plan works" he said as he got up.

"huh, what do you mean by that?" i asked him looking at him.

he opened the door. "i can't tell you, or i know you will find a way to back out" he said.

"But-" i said, but he closed the door behind him already. I got really mad, "WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME YOU FUCKING PRICK, MAYBE I WON'T FUCKING BACK OUT IF I LIVE" i yelled at him, but i knew he didn't hear. "GAH" i yelled as i flipped the couch. I sighed and sat on the recliner and cried.

I heard my back door open. I looked over, but it was blurred by my tears. "@w, $ch3l6y, D0n+ cr¥" i heard, i reconized the voice.

"I'm sorry hoodie, but, it's your brother, he said that he had a plan to keep me alive, but, he won't let me know what it is, and i am apart of it" i said weeping.

he sat on the arm of the recliner. "u9h, $0rry $ch3lby, ¡ W¡$h ¡ C0uld +3ll y0u, bu+, m@$ky w0uldn+ b3 +00 happ¥ w¡+h m3, plu$, y0u c0uld f¡Nd a w@y 0ut"

I sighed. "i just want to know"

He looked at me, "y0u w¡ll, $00n, bu+, n0+ n0w" he got up from the arm of the reliner and started heading out the back door. "¡ G0++@ g0, $33, y0u l8r" he said and left out the door. I sighed.

i just wanna know.

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