To kill or not to kill

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I woke up with Masky laying next to me. Tammi is dead asleep. Masky's eyes flutter open. "good morning" He whispers to make sure he wouldn't wake up our baby.

"Good morning" I whisper back groggily. I turn my body records him. "hey, do you have a mask I can have?" I ask him still groggy and whispering.

He sits up and starts to stretch. "Yeah, you can have it, it's in my room" he said a tad louder.

I sit up as well "Can you take care of Tammi for the next two days? I have to go somewhere" I said.

"Sure" he said.

I smiled groggily. "Thank you"

He got out of bed and went to his room. I quickly brushed my hair. Tammi woke up and started crying. I know she's hungry. I pick we up and place her on my hip, taking her into the kitchen, I placed her in her high chair. I grabbed a full bottle of her's from the fridge and place it in the microwave and set the timer. I grab her binkie necklace and put it around her neck and place the binkie in her mouth to keep her quiet until the bottle was done.

Masky handed me a plain white mask. "Hope this is fine" he said.

I took the mask and smiled. "It's great, thank you".

I hear the microwave ding and I set down the mask on the table. I take the bottle out of the microwave and take Tammi's binkie out. She starts to cry until I gently place the bottle in her mouth. she happily sucks on it as some of it falls on her cheek. I put her bib on and wipe some of the milk that's running down her cheek. I take notice on how her hair is more of brown, like Tim's, instead of black, like mine. But her eyes are green, Just like mine.

Slendy walks in with a big box in his hands "Melody, I took some time to Go get some of your clothes from your old house and I washed them. Do you wanna go through them now or after you have to kill people?" he asks.

"Well, I'll go through them now. I've been wearing the same clothes for a while and I feel pretty gross in them" I said.

He nodded. "Very well, I shall put them in your room and you shall go through them after Tammi is done." and headed to my room.

"Thank you" I said.

Tammi tried to throw her bottle at me, but it landed on the table ad it rolled towards me. I stopped it before it could fall off and handed it back to her. She smiled then drank the rest of it. I picked her up and the mask and went to my room. I set her in her crib. I start going through the clothes in the box Slender gave me and pull out a white jacket with an 'M' in the left side of the chest that's black with light grey out line, with black stripes on the bottom, collar, and cuffs. I smile at it then look over at the mask. I take out black skinny jeans and black converse.

I grab some black paint and start painting my mask. I painted around the eyes with two wings on the sides with the top ones curling up. I put on eyebrows, but they're too high, so I slide it down the cheek and curve it at the middle of the cheek making it look like a giant, curvy question mark on the side, so I put the dots under them to make it so. I paint the lips black and bring take it to its sides and bring it up for a permanent smile, like Jeff, but I curled the ends up. I looked at the masked and saw that it looked very cat-like, so I painted the bottom of the nose black and put a paw print on the forehead. I smiled and left it to dry.

Slender came in "Do you want your list now?" he asked.

I gave it some thought. "err, how about tomorrow?" I asked.

He nodded "that's fine, as long as you don't post pone it so long, Zalgo is coming at the end of the month to make sure you killed, its coming pretty close." he said.

"Who's Zalgo?" I asked.

"He's the ruler of the monsters and puts them in categories of how worthy they are, our category is full of semi-famous killers. We are called the Creepy Pasta's, there are other categories such as Urban Legends and ext. The list can go on. But If you're worthy enough, he can make you immortal, and if you are immortal, you can ask to stop your age, even only if its temporary. But before you become worthy, you must kill first." he explained.

I nodded. "Alright, I'll start tomorrow, I already have most of my stuff ready for it, the rest will be ready tomorrow."

He nodded and left my room.

The next day

I wake up alone. Tammi was quietly sleeping in her crib. I got up and put on my jacket and black skinny jeans. I casually put my hands in my pocket and feel something thick and metal. I pulled it out to reveal a pocket knife. I glare at it with temptation. I snap out of it and put the pocket knife back in my jacket pocket and look down at Tammi. She looks peaceful in her sleep. I open the door and walk down to Masky's room and genitally shake him.

"Sweetie" I said genitally. "You have to take care of Tammi"

His eyes flutter open and look at me. He slowly gets up and shuffles to my room. I walk in behind him and pick up my mask and put it on. I looked in the mirror and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Masky looks at me. "You look like a cat" he said and received a flick in the ear "ow, I ment it as a compliment."

I snickered "sure, whatever". He smirked then shoved me onto the bed. "Hey!" I said almost yelling, but holding back to not wake the baby.

He climbed on top of me then lifted my mask to over my mouth and started kissing me, in which I soon returned when I realized what he was doing. He then moved down to my neck. I bit my lip, trying not to moan. he soon lifted his head and smiled at his work and got off of me. I adjusted my mask then looked in the mirror and saw I hickey the size of my thumb. "Damnit Tim" I said.

He smiled and put his hips around my waist from behind "I'm claiming you" he smirked.

"Slendy is gonna see it and get pissed." I added. He shrugged. I looked up at him. "Take care of Tammi, ok, I put a list on the dresser of things she likes, dislikes and is allergic too. I also put a list of times when she eats, sleeps and takes a bath."

Tammi woke up and started babbling. I picked her up and held her close, she gripped my shirt and giggled. I gentially kissed her head, then handed her to Tim. She gave a questioning look. Tim and I walked into the living room. Slender handed me a list. "Your time starts when you head down the well." I looked at it. There were names and adresses on it. Bridgette .... that name sounds fimaliar. one of the addresses look fimaliar as well. I nodded and walked to the well and sat on it.

Tammi starts crying. "MAMA" she wails. I looked at her surprised. Her first word, but I have to go, as much as I don't want to leave my baby.

Tears feel my eyes and walk over to Tim and Tammi. I kissed Tammi's head and wiped her tears. "Don't cry, mama will be back soon for you" I played with her hair. "I love you my sweet little girl" I look at Tim and kiss him. "And I love you."

I walk back to the well and sit on it with my feet dangling in it. Slender attached a watch looking thing to my wrist. "You'll need this, when you're done killing people on the list, press the call button when you're alone, we have a special misson for you when you're done. I'm number one on the speed dial."

I nodded, probably a big person to kill or something. I turn my attention to Tim and Tammi. "Take good care of her when I'm gone, I'll be back as soon as I can." I told him. He nodded.

Tammi started crying again "MAMA, MAMA, MAMA MA-MA" She wailed while sniffling the last part.

"Don't worry Tammi, Mama will be back" I assured her. And with that, I fell through the well. To kill. To stay in the underworld with my child. To get out my life long, built up rage.

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