
16 1 2

Please read: This chapter is in Ryan's point of view not Cj's.

A doctor came in about 3 hours later and went straight to Cj's parents. "She didn't make I'm sorry, we did everything we could. The rest of my team is stitching her back up and will get her all made up, but for now will you come with me you have paper work to fill out." He said and started to leave. Cj's mom and dad broke down into tears but followed him. That left me, my mom and Cj's brother in the room. Her brother and my mom didn't show any emotions, they were just trying to process what was just said. Then it hit him he started crying uncontrollably. "I'll be back!" He managed to croak out before running out of the room. She's gone, she's actually gone. The girl I the girl I the girl I do love is gone. Dead. My breathing got hitched, it got shorter and faster. I sat there letting my thoughts take over me in the silent room. 

My anxiety was getting the best of me I was thinking of different scenarios that could be happening like that one. She could be gone, in a coma, she might be fine for all I know. I need answers. I've been sitting in her empty room for about 4 hours now and the sun was starting to rise. I was alone, everyone else went to a hotel like the doctors suggested but I refused to leave I couldn't, I wanted to be alone. Man, Cj would love this sun rise. I decided to set my phone on the  window and record it for her so she can watch it later. "That's right, Ryan. She can watch it later. She WILL watch it later." I thought to myself to reassure myself. She will be fine. She's ok. 

I sat there after the sun was fully risen and waited. I waited for answers from anyone. I got none. I thought that maybe the front desk would have an update on her so that's where I went. When I got there I smiled at the lady sitting at the computer. "May I help you, young man?" She asked politely. I nodded "I was wondering if you had any updates on a patient, her name is Cj. She was rushed to surgery really early this morning." She sighed and look at me with a face full of sympathy. " I did but, unfortunately, since you're not a parent or guardian I can't give that information to you. I'm truly sorry." She said. "Ok." I sighed and went back to her room. 

I slouched down in one of the chairs. I tried not to let my thoughts consume me but I couldn't help it. I got up, went to the restroom to rinse my tear-stained face off. When I came back something bought my eye, it was Cj's Bennie I got her last night. I picked it up and walked back to my seat and sat back down. I clutched the hat to my chest I just wanted to know she was ok. I just wanted answers. Answers. All I needed was answers.

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