It's okay/end time

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Chap 29: It's okay time
(Please read authors note at the end please)
3rd POV

Everything froze. Nobody dared to speak, breath, or even look away. The news was just so sudden, and none of them knew how to react. Karma especially didn't know what to do, after all, what are you supposed to do to make things okay when you're now immortal because of your boyfriends now-dead mother.

There wasn't much to go on there. And it didn't help that Nagisa hadn't moved a single inch since the doctor had confirmed his suspicions. So long story short, Karma did not know what to do. Not one bit. But he quickly came to the conclusion that he wouldn't want such a large crowd, so he signaled over to the door, and quickly all the student, teachers, and doctor left the room.

Which left three people. Draco, Nagisa, and Karma. And for the longest time, it was just silent. No moving, no nothing. Not until Nagisa began to walk over to Karma, who could only think of all the bad situations. For one, Nagisa could be mad at him. Two, Nagisa will be depressed. Or three, Nagisa will get weirded out by having a part of his mother in his boyfriend and dump him.

All three were horrifying conclusions. But as Nagisa approached Karma's bed, Karma realized something. All those situations weren't like Nagisa at all. Nagisa wouldn't get mad at him, nor would be get all depressed about the situation, and lastly Nagisa would never dump Karma over something like that. Nagisa was the kind of person that would look past the current to see what's out there.

So when Nagisa crawled onto the bed and buried himself into Karma's arms, he didn't feel all that surprised. Instead, he just took the hug as Nagisa put his face into the crook of Karma's neck. And for a few moments, Karma just listened to the sound of Nagisa's breath and in that moment he just knew that it was going to be okay. So Karma smiled softly and began to run his fingers through his boyfriend's hair and whispered, "it's going to be okay" and "I'm sorry" to him.

Nagisa quickly pulled himself from Karma and shook his head, "don't be sorry." He muttered as he brought his hands to Karma's face, "this wasn't your choice, it was my mom's," he smiled. But Karma knew there was a little more to it.  "But you probably feel a little sad though, right?"

Nagisa nodded, "of course I am," he said weakly. "Yet the thing is, is that this was her choice. My mom wanted nothing more than to do something good for me, and look what she did," he said closing his eyes, "she gave me you." A single tear fell down his cheek as he smiled, "and I'm so grateful for this. But yes, I'm going to miss her so much, but now I have you, and her and I both know that you always manage to make me happy even in the worst situations."

Karma couldn't help but grin as Nagisa spoke. He was so happy to know that Nagisa thought that way, and he was very glad to know his mother thought the same way too. And although Osis was someone Karma could never find himself liking, he did find himself thanking her. Thanking her inside his head again and again because now he was blessed enough to have his Blueberry by his side forever.

Plus, It was pretty nice to know that Nagisa was not sad about the whole thing. In fact, Nagisa seemed happy. Happy that his mother finally gave him what he wanted; a chance. She gave him a chance to live his life freely, a chance to grow old with someone Nagisa loved.

And as she watched them from heaven, she knew she made the right choice, and she finally felt proud about herself because she finally managed to do something right for her kid. She'd finally managed to make her little boy happy.

"Thank you mom," Nagisa whispered as he touched foreheads with Karma. And ever so faintly, Nagisa swore he heard her say "you're welcome" to him. So he smiled, thinking to himself that Osis was watching him, and then kissed Karma on the lips, showing just how thankful he was for this. And in that moment Nagisa swore to himself to never stop loving Karma, and no matter what was going to come there way, he was going to continue loving him till the end of time.

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