Osis time

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Chap 22: Osis time

3rd POV

Karma sighed as he peered around his surroundings, waving his torch every-now-and-again to try and see more. Everything was dark, wet, and overall creepy. It was something Karma wouldn't mind being in if it wasn't the very place his blueberry had been kidnapped to.

Karma quickly glanced behind him to look at his friends, he had been expecting to see terror written all over their faces. Because like he'd said before, who knows what could happen. But instead of looking scared, everyone was smiling. They all looked so confident, ready, and fearless. It was kind of a reassuring sight because what would Karma be able to do with a bunch of scared high schoolers? He needed them to be ready, to be fearless, because for all they know, this could be that fight of their lives.

Things were silent. The one exception though being the sound of water droplets hitting the floor of the murky cave.

No one dared to speak. The atmosphere surrounding the group was tense as well, almost as though you could cut through it. And to some, that was not a fun situation to be in. Especially for the loud mouths of the class. Karma could tell that they wanted nothing more to just crack a joke or something to lighten up the mood, but he knew none of them would. They were too afraid of the outcome.

Karma put his head down and gave out another sigh, he just wanted to hurry and get this over with. "Guys" someone called making the whole class turn around in an instant. They all looked at Kanzaki with the most confused looks on their faces, "what is it Kanzaki?" Sugino asked breaking the silence once more. She smiled as she pointed outwards, "I think we're at the end!" she exclaimed.

And sure enough, as her classmates followed her finger, it led to a small patch of light at the end of the tunnel.

Smiles broke out on everyone's faces as they got into ready position, and before any of the teachers could stop them, they ran for the end. A few laughed as they sprinted through the tunnel, relieved that the tension had finally broke.

Soon the light was extremely close, and Karma could just barely look through. And as he did, he could just vaguely make out two characters. With that in mind, he ran faster than ever before. He didn't care that his lungs were burning, or that his legs felt as though they would just split at any moment, he just wanted to get Nagisa back.

But as he reached the end, he stared in silence at the layout. A lady, whom Karma did not recognise stood on top of this staircase, and right next to her...was Nagisa knocked out cold on some strange couch.

Karma clenched his fists as the lady turned to him, staring at him with her dark black eyes. She smiled softly at him and raised her hands, "Karma Akabane" she called. "The one that poisoned my Nagisa's poor head" she accused, crouching down to Nagisa. Once she was near his face she smiled and pet his hair, "you aren't here to take him back are you?" she asked. She then turned to him, this time giving off more of an angered glare, "because you can't" she said moving some of her short hair from her face, "he's mine" she seethed.

Karma stared at her, fire filling his gaze. "He's not yours" he started, walking out of the tunnel completely, "Nagisa, is his own being. He belongs to no one, not even me" Karma declared. He'd went to get a little closer to her, but he felt an arm pull him back. He moved around a little bit in anger, "let me go" he went to say, but sometime in between, he stopped. He stared up at his father's hardened gaze, "let him go Osis" he glared.

Osis just laughed, "Draco? Why are you here?" she asked putting her hand to her pretending to be surprised. She shook her head before he could answer, "just kidding, I knew that you were coming. After all that "thing" is you son" she explained, making Draco's anger grow. "My son is not a thing you" he said, and then began to yell a list of curses. Osis stared at him in shock, "oh my" she muttered, "I didn't think you'd be that angry" she chuckled awkwardly.

Draco didn't respond to her, instead he just puffed away a thing of smoke from his nose like a bull. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Osis gulp. She could to mind tricks well, but Karma had a feeling she was no fighter. That was probably why she wanted Nagisa so much, he was the full package, her missing piece because not only could Nagisa fight, but Nagisa could also do his fair share in mind tricks as well.

Karma gave off a cocky grin as he placed his hands onto his hips, and then laughed. He looked back at his friends, and he saw the same facial expression that was on his father's on them. "Wow, and you probably thought that the hard one would be Draco" Karma chuckled. "But it truth" he stopped, and turned around to Osis, the scariest look plastered onto his face, "we're all going to be hard to beat" he finished.

And as Karma was about to signal for the attack, Osis did something that surprised them. "Stop!" she yelled. Everyone stared up at her and she slammed her foot onto the ground in a fit. "God dangit!" she exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air. Karasuma raised his eyebrows at the god, what had gotten into her.

She took a deep breath in, almost as if to calm herself and then gave off a more confident smile. "Karma dear" she called, "wouldn't you like to know some secrets about Nagisa?" she asked. Karma gulped, "what do you mean?" he asked playing dumb. "Oh common!" she threw her hands into the air, "the only way you'd ever find this place is if you looked at that photo of Nagisa and I" she explained, "and if you looked at that photo, you must've saw the trunk" she smirked.

Karma flinched, but kept his composure as she continued. "I was going to keep this all from you guys, but I think it'd be smart to tell you before you decide to risk your lives for him" she smiled. The room went still, all along Karma wanted nothing more than to hear the truth about Nagisa. And today he was finally going to learn, and that should've excited him. But for some reason, it didn't. As Osis got ready to tell his secrets, a bad feeling dug its way into his stomach.

"Ahem" Osis cleared her throat, "so you want to hear the tale about Nagisa Shiota" she asked. A few of us nodded, and her smirk broadened. "Alright then, well I've known Nagisa for a long time, probably his whole life" she smiled, "so trust me when I say, I know everything about him" she stated with the evilest of looks. She the got into position, as if to tell us a long story, "As a young boy he surprised me, he had this strange knack for getting snakes to obey him. At first I only took it as a sign of a demigod, but later as his abilities grew, I learned differently.

"He started to control others, he'd just wave his hands around a few times, and the sales clerk that'd been mean to him was put into this spell that ended up with him trying to fight a soldier, which in the end put him in jail. I was surprised to say the least, but I was also intrigued. I started to have him experiment with his powers, had him figure out ideas or things he could do with such gifts, and what we found was extraordinary. He could put bloodlust into people, and then use it to control them in different ways, and he could even charm snakes to do whatever he wanted" a smile then broke out onto her lips, "and he took extreme pride in his gifts, and felt that it was fun controlling others. So together, we started to do some things. With my ability to control others, and his ability to add bloodlust to them, we started wars, killed thousands!" she cackled. But then, she turned to us with the craziest of grins, "and every time we did it, Nagisa just smiled, he loved it. He loved being on top" she added.

Karma stared at her, searching her face for any hint that she was lying. But her story made since, the bloody swords and armour inside the chest. Could that of been from the soldier's he had killed so long ago? 

Karma didn't know what to think as he turned to his blueberry, had he really done all that?

Oh my god this chapter is trash, haha...I'm sorry. Also I don't know what to put right here again, so thank you so much for reading!
-Lillian Galla

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