School time

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Chap 12: School time

Nagisa's POV

It's been a few weeks since Karma and I had our first sleepover, and everything has been going great. At school nobody is mad at me, I forgave Terasaka for what he did, and I've been getting better at talking with Karasuma.

Karma ended up telling everyone about the whole Okuda thing and told everyone that I had literally switched genders. It was a bit embarrassing and Karasuma made me perform it in front of the classroom because he never knew that about god's.

But aside from that my life has been going pretty great. That was until she decided to do something strange. I knew that she could get into my head, but never had she ever taken over a part of my body before. It was so scary. I was lucky to just be at home, but it was surprising when my arm on it's own tried to grab a knife. Ever since I've been alert at all times, just to make sure that she can't take control. The only time I ever sleep is when I know she's tired as well and can't take control. Yes, we are gods, but sleep is important to us as well. It's like charging up, and when she needs to charge, I charge as well.

But the problem is, since she is older she can stay awake a little longer than me because of all her experience. So I've been extremely tired. So to mix battling with her, sleep deprived, school, magic, friends, and taking care of my snakes, I'm exhausted.

So here I am, on a monday, so tired I don't even think I can move, but Dina was relentless and made me get out of my bed. I slowly walked into the bathroom to get ready with a sigh. I grabbed my clothes and got changed, brushed my hair, and right as I was about to brush my teeth I look up and see her trying to take control. I stare wide eyes at what she was doing, a black goo or liquid was right now flooding into my left eye. The eye started to sting and because I'm already weak i'm struggling to stand so I end up hunched over the sink. "Get out of me" I growl at her.

Now why would I do that? I only want my Nagisa back

She says with a laugh. I growl and grab my eye as I stinging sensation fills it even more, "I won't let you take over" I grunted.

Oh we'll see about that, won't we now?

I take deep breaths in and out and practically push her out of me, I felt like screaming as what felt to be her nails dug into my back, not letting go.

You're tired Nagisa, why don't you just let me take over? It won't hurt anything, well anything but you that is.

Tears welled in my eyes as I continued to fight her, pushing her out of my system. My back and everything hurt, and I wanted nothing more than just to collapse and be done with it all. But I couldn't, if I did that than so much would be at stake. I can't let her hurt Karma.

I stop a bit and wipe my tears, no matter what I cannot let anyone hurt Karma. Not the one I love. I sigh as I turn and slide down the sink counter and tears spill from my eyes, I love him. I admit it. The only one who was never afraid of me, the one who encouraged and made me happy, is the one I love and that's Karma.

Tears poured from my eyes as I realized how much he meant to me, to think I fell so hard for this guy. He makes me proud to be myself, so I'll do anything to keep her away from me for as long as I can. I need more time, that's all I ask. Just some more time with this boy because I don't think I can keep doing this.


I had managed to finish brushing my teeth, but I didn't even bother with my hair. I just let it rest on my shoulders. I walked out and grabbed an apple off the counter and Eden slithered around my arm, 'let's go to school!' Eden cheered. I gave him a small nod and walk towards the door with a fake smile for them. Once outside he ushers me to hurry to school, so I'm forced to run, even though I'm so tired. 'Come on Nagisa! You can go faster than that!' Eden laughed as I ran. I nod and run faster to the school and soon I reach the large hill, I wanted to take a breath and stop but I didn't want to let Eden know I was tired so I hurriedly ran up the hill until we were at the 3-e building.

My knees were wobbly and I felt like I could fall over at any minute but I still trudged on into the classroom. Once in the classroom I sat down in my normal seat and started a small conversation with Kayano, while she petted Eden. Whatever she was saying I hate to say I wasn't listening, I was trying to regain strength and at the same time I could feel her getting ready to try and take over.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no" I repeated in my head as I tapped my foot. Kayano must of noticed that I wasn't paying attention and tried to gain it back but I was concentrating to hard on making her go away and trying to stopping myself from passing out on the spot.

I felt hands fall onto my shoulder and someone try to talk to me but I was just repeating words into my head again and again until someone suddenly pulled me around forcing me to look and pay attention to them.

It was Karma, and Karasuma was right behind him. I didn't even realize class had started. Eden was asleep on my desk, and I felt a bit thankful he didn't see that whole thing, but everyone else had. "Nagisa, are you okay" Karma asked, concern filled his voice. I nod my head, "yeah I just got really out of it" I say putting up a fake smile. Yet, Karma didn't take it, "don't do that" he warned, "I know when someone is lying. Don't lie to me" he said angrily.

My eyes widen and I feel all traces of her disappear from me. "Is she tired?" I think to myself. "NAGISA" Karma yelled making me jump, "you're losing focus!" he said getting closer to me. He notices how tense I had gotten and sighed backing up a bit, "what's going on" he asks quietly. "I'm tired, and really out of it" I say giving him the half truth. He seemed to take it and sighed, "I'll take him home, he needs to sleep" he says trying to pick me up, "Karma! I'm fine I don't need sleep" I say trying to push him off me, but he doesn't listen. "You're so weak right now, you're tired" he says holding me tight. Eden by then had woken up and wrapped himself around my wrist as I tried to push him away one last time before I give up and went limp in his arms.

I was losing consciousness but I didn't feel any traces of her nearby, so for the first time in awhile, I fell asleep.

Karma's POV

As I stood in the middle of the classroom, Nagisa in arms, I froze. "How tired was he? And why doesn't he sleep at home?" were the only questions in my head as I looked at the limp boy.

He looked so peaceful at that moment, like he was finally getting the rest he needed. His hair hung off my arms along with a bit of his legs, but since he was so short it wasn't by much. I took his hair and put it under his head so it didn't look like I had killed him, and walked out of the classroom.

I started to walk in a random direction when I noticed that I did not know where Nagisa lived. I groaned as I realized how stupid I was. I didn't want to take him to my house since I don't want him to wake up and panic, so it was the best choice to get him to his house.

Eden must of noticed what I was trying to do and unwrapped himself from Nagisa's arm and started to slither away. Once I realized what he was doing I started to run after him as he lead me to his house. He lead me to a small cabin in the middle of the woods and brought me inside to see a really nicely decorated living room. Inside the living room were Dina and Kai, who were just calmly napping on the couch, but when we arrived they immediately woke up.

The three snakes all seemed to be talking to each other when they made a signal for me to follow them and brought me into a room. It was a very plain room, with nothing in it except for a bed, a closet, a bedside table, a desk, and a door that probably led to a bathroom. They slithered over to his plain white bed and I set him down in it and pulled the white comforter over him. Once he seemed comfortable I took the chair from his desk and set it down next to him.

The snakes frantically tried to get me away for some reason but I stayed. I was not just going to leave him. But they kept on trying to get me out. Was there something here I wasn't allowed to see? Once I realized they could be hiding something, or just didn't want me to see something I sighed and decided to respect his privacy, only because it was Nagisa.

But before I left the cabin to go back to school I noticed a large trunk towards the back of the living room, and a shelf full of photo's. I turned my head before I looked at any of the photos remembering that he needed his privacy and then quickly ran off.

This is so small! I feel really bad about that, but when you write you always feel that it is so long but then it isn't. Oh well, at least I updated. I hope that the chapter is good though! If you liked it at all please leave a comment telling me if you liked it or not, and with that I'm probably going to take a break. Thank you so much for reading!

GodsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon