Bloodlust time (Part two)

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Chap 8- Bloodlust time (Part two)

Nagisa Shiota's POV

Terasaka's eyes clouded over and he growled. He was completely out of control. He looked over at me and tried to hit me but I moved away. I sighed as I watched him struggle to hit me, this is so pointless,  I think to myself as I walk out of the room.

I quickly ran through the halls and over to the spot where we always meet. "Nagisa!" Kayano yelled as she noticed me, "come on over!" she smiled happily at me. I slowly walked over gave them a weak smile, "Nagisa are you okay?" Karma asked looking worriedly at me. I shake my head and smile, "I'm... alright?" I say making it more of a question then an answer. "What happened back there" he asked looking into my eyes. I stared into his and frowned, "I'm sorry" I whisper letting my head fall onto his shoulder. "For what?" he asked. I shook my head and put my face into his neck so I couldn't look at him, "I'm sorry" I whisper again. Karma didn't say anything and just pet my hair. He kept on petting my hair as I mumbled many apologies to him. Everyone stayed quiet and watched us, "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to do it" I say this time. I hated the feeling of doing that. I felt so evil, it was so wrong to do it to someone who didn't deserve it.

Why the reaction Nagisa? You used to do that all the time with no remorse. You used to even trick them and tell them how strong they were and that they would overcome it, even though you knew they wouldn't. You would laugh as they killed the people they loved, and when they finally snapped out of it cried, cursing your name. You would smile as all your victims fell into madness, and then feel even better when they became under your exact control. Don't you remember their screams? Don't act innocent now!

I didn't know I was shaking until Karma whispered to me, "It'll be alright, you didn't do anything wrong" I tried to stop shaking but I couldn't. "I'm so sorry" I whisper once again, "please don't leave me" I say shaking. "I'll never leave you, don't you trust me?" he asked. I nod, "I trust you" I whisper into his shoulder, "but once you know the truth you will leave" I say shakily. "What tru-" the bell rang before he could finish his sentence, he got up and took me up with him, "we will talk about this later okay?" he said taking me off his arm. I avoid his eyes and nod.

As Karma and I made our way through the hall he held my hand, he held it so that I would realize he was there and calm down. I was slowly calming down, and everyone was saying nice things to me as well. It felt pretty nice actually. "AHHHH!!!" then a scream was heard from the classroom, and then there was shouting. Karma eyes widened as he took of towards the classroom with everyone else close behind him, leaving me alone in the hall.

See, they're going to be scared of you. You can still run. You can hide before they realize it was you and curse you. There is still a chance, come back home Nagisa! I miss you so much, why won't you come back? You used to always come and do as I say, what happened? Why won't you come back to me?

Her voice echoed in my head. I slapped my hands over my ears as her voice got louder when all the sudden, "Oh my god! Karma!" a voice yelled. I froze in the spot. Karma?

I ran faster than I've ever before, and when I got there Karma was sitting, some blood coming out of his head and Kayano right behind him. My eyes widened at the scene, I did this. Karma turned to me, "Nagisa run! He's become a monster!" he yelled. I made him a monster. Karasuma was at the other side of the room trying to fight off Terasaka but was surprisingly losing. He turned to me and his eyes changed as he realized something, I did it. I knew that look in his eyes and it hurt, he was terrified of me. Karasuma was being held against the wall by Terasaka who seemed to be choking him. He managed for just a moment to get the boys hand off him and yell, "Nagisa! Fix this!" he said right before he started to get strangled again. Everyone's eyes turned to me, "Nagisa what does he mean?" Kanzaki asked in a confused tone. I didn't say anything.

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